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  1. Default RT DE to Santa Rosa, CA Mountain ??'s

    We have a trip scheduled from DE to Santa Rosa, CA and back with a layover in Junction City, KS.

    We will be pulling a large and heavy trailer and I am concerned about the best way through the mountains in the West. We have traveled quite extensiely in the East Coast mountains of WV and Western MD and PA and have managed fine. Slow and steady, takes a while but we make and have learned the better faster easier routes to take.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Currently looking at going through from Cheyenne to Reno.



  2. Default

    If you're crossing the Sierras from NV to CA, I think the easiest road would be the I-80 (please speak up if you disagree). It's much larger and straighter than some of the other mountain passes. The US-50 would probably come next in my book. You could go south down the US-395 and back up the I-5, but I imagine that after crossing the Rockies, you won't exactly be mountain phobic.

  3. #3


    Robb - I'd also vote Hwy 50 in Nevada also, 'America's Loneliest Highway'. (if you google that, you'll get lots of info) It runs parallel to the freeway to the south and for the most part will get you to the same place. Very wide open spaces and perfect nothingness. Nothing quite like it in all of the US.

  4. Default

    Thanks for the info I definitely appreciate it. Any advice on the Rockies?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Grades on the Interstates

    The maximum grade allowed on any US interstate highway is 6% or a gain in elevation of 6 ft in 100 ft of roadway. Sections of highway with such grades almost invariably have 'truck' lanes for slower traffic, but not having driven the section of I-80 through the Rockies, I can't guarantee that that is the case there. I will note, however, that I-80 follows the same basic route as the first transcontinental railroad, a route chosen for its grade. Any other interstate routing would result in more miles without (I don't think) any significant easing of climb over the mountains.


  6. Default

    That is great information. We have pulled the 6% grades in the East, so with your info that gives me more confidence that we have the right route.

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