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  1. Default Minnesota to Baltimore?

    I might be purchasing an RV in Minnesota and driving it back to Baltimore in late January. I'd like to make it a 2-day trip. 90/80/76/70 looks like the most direct route. The weather is obviously a major consideration...but any suggestions on the best route that is most likely to be passable and the least difficult with an RV? Thanks!

  2. Default

    Welcome to the RTA forum!

    I didn't look at the map right off, but the direct interstate route will be your best choice, for certain. Running on memory here, but it looks like that's what you've chosen. Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Chicago Bypass

    If you want to avoid Chicago traffic and several dollars in tolls, I'd cut south on I-39 at Rockford, then take I-74 to Indianapolis, and continue on I-70 from there. You also might consider cutting south in Western PA to I-68 through WV and Northern Maryland.

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