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  1. #1
    peteandsarah Guest

    Default Los Angeles to NYC in 4 days

    Yep, we're in a hurry. No scenic route this time around.

    Basic Strategy - 15 through Vegas, 70 to Denver, 80 all the way to NYC.

    Any advice as far as how to break the trip up? We'd certainly appreciate it.

  2. Default Two drivers, long days.

    You're going to need to do 650-700 mile days in order to get this done in the time frame you specify. After two days of it, you WILL be exhausted -- I wouldn't even attempt this unless you have two capable drivers. These will be roughly 13 hour days -- or more.

    Stops evenly spaced could be Green River, UT; North Platte to Gothenburg, NE; the South Chicago area; and somewhere south of Wilkes Barre, PA if you want one last stop before reaching NYC.

    If you DO make Green River for the night -- or even just for dinner -- check out Mark's recent find in this thread -- Ray's Tavern.

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