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  1. #1

    Default New York to Los Angeles!

    Dear Friends,
    Hello! First post ever on Roadtrip America. I'll start from scratch.

    My Uncle and I are planning a holiday to America for early March next year. We plan on spending approximetly 5 or 6 days in New York (Motel Accommodation) before renting a car and setting off for the long drive to Los Angeles.

    Our holiday is still in the very early stages of planning however I would like to know a couple of things:

    i) How many days (approximetly) should we plan to drive comfortably from NY to LA?

    ii) In Australia, we have the National Highway (1) which takes you directly around the country. Are the any highways which we could stick to to take us from NY to LA.

    iii) What is the overall weather conditions like in March?

    iv) I am currently the holder of a learners permit in Australia, what are the chances of using my licence over in the US providing I am under the supervision of my Uncle (Full Licence Holder)?

    Thank you in advance for your help. I am hoping this site will be very useful in planning our holiday, from what I've read so far it's excellent.

    Kindest Regards,

    (Sydney, Australia)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Welcome to America

    Quote Originally Posted by shrek_2226
    First post ever on Roadtrip America. I'll start from scratch.
    Welcome to the RTA Forum!
    i) How many days (approximetly) should we plan to drive comfortably from NY to LA?
    A minimum of five days, you can do it in 3.5 if you drive non-stop, but I wouldn't recommend it.
    ii) In Australia, we have the National Highway (1) which takes you directly around the country. Are the any highways which we could stick to to take us from NY to LA.
    Not a single road -- but the route I would take can seem like a single route: Interstate 76 to Interstate 70 to Interstate 15 to Los Angeles.
    iii) What is the overall weather conditions like in March?
    It depends on where you are... In NYC it could be snowing or warm. Same with the middle part of the country and in the Rockies. In California it will probably be raining.
    iv) I am currently the holder of a learners permit in Australia, what are the chances of using my licence over in the US providing I am under the supervision of my Uncle (Full Licence Holder)?
    Sorry to say, but I think you will have Zero Chance. Your learner's permit is not recognized by any state in the USA.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Mark gave you great answers to your questions. I just wanted to pop in an clarify something. You can do the trip in 5 days but this won't allow you hardly anytime for sightseeing. I would recommend a minimum of 2 weeks to allow time to stop and explore some of the wonderful sights along the way.

  4. #4


    Well, I bought the tickets to the US last week and received my passport in the mail today. Arriving 4th March 2005 in Los Angleles, then hopefully driving to Las Vegas and making our way to New York. Flying back from New York on the 4th April.

    What's it like driving accross the US in March? Anything we should know about? I am trying to make the trip pretty casual however we do want to see a bit of Hollywood, spend a couple of days in Las Vegas, Chicago, Grand Canyon, Niagra Falls.

    I still haven't planned that much of the trip, apart from booking flights and travelers insurance nothing else has been done. I would be grateful for any tips or hints. Anyone know of some good books to read (road atlas).

    So excited about this trip, will keep you posted before, during and after it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default We review and comment on the best

    Quote Originally Posted by shrek_2226
    Anyone know of some good books to read (road atlas).
    Here are our personal recommendations for maps and road books. Looking forward to your field reports.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default good start...

    Everyone has given you some great tips to get started.

    Basically you have a little less than a month to go from one side of the country to the other (less any time spent at each end, of course). Sounds good.

    Check out the national parks all across the USA at
    Use them as a guideline to plan your route.

    The northern routes may (read "will") still have SNOW in March. The southern areas will be fine.

    You'll want to go to Las Vegas, Hoover Dam (enroute to Grand Canyon) and Grand Canyon (south rim) for starters.

    Be sure to include Washington DC as part of your plans. There are many interesting walking sights in "the mall" plus all of the Smithsonian museums and Arlington Cemetery are FREE entry.

    Keep us updated on your plans & we'll give you more advice along the way.

    Have you already booked a rental car? It will be more expensive for one-way drop off, and your uncle will need to do the driving, but it will be an amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you'll never forget! Be sure it comes with "unlimited mileage" (most do). Besides travel insurance which you have already, you will need to buy the automobile insurance that is sold by the rental agency for the car too.

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