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  1. #1
    One on One Guest

    Default DC to San Diego in 4 Days

    Hey guys, this Thursday I am moving to San Diego from the DC area. I am a recent college grad and don't want to blow too much money so I am trying to keep this pretty minimal, but I know this is a huge opportunity so I'd like to see at least a few things!

    I am interested in seeing maybe a national park or two if it isn't too far off or too expensive. I'm most interested in seeing cool scenery and stopping at famous restaurants or cafes for my meals, so I want to do some cool things, but don't want to lose much time. So, far I have thought of the following:

    - a break at Hot Springs just off I-30 in Arkansas
    - lunch in Dallas and go see the JFK shooting
    - Roswell, NM
    - possibly go to the Grand Canyon (might be too far off track though)

    I'm interested in if there are any state highways or side roads I should take instead of the interstates. Right now I am planning to go pretty much stricty on interstates, but I'd definitely be interested in some side roads if they don't stray too far from the interstate.

    DC -> Nashville -> Memphis -> Little Rock -> Dallas -> Roswell -> Albuquerque -> Phoenix -> San Diego

    Dallas is the only city I definitely want to see and I am flexible on everything else. Does anyone have any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Congratulations on the recent graduation

    Quote Originally Posted by One on One
    Hey guys, this Thursday I am moving to San Diego from the DC area. I am a recent college grad and don't want to blow too much money so I am trying to keep this pretty minimal, but I know this is a huge opportunity so I'd like to see at least a few things!
    Don't worry, you can see plenty from the Interstates. Four days is pushing it for a solo driver and you if you really need to be in San Diego in four days, better keep the off-Interstate highway driving to a minium. As you know, by the shortest possible distance this is still a 2700 mile drive. I once did it three days, but I had a co-driver and we only stopped for automotive fuel. To cover that distance in four days you need to drive at least 13 hours per day and drive at or near the highest speed limit.
    I am interested in seeing maybe a national park or two if it isn't too far off or too expensive.
    Sorry, but you won't have time, unless you count Hot Springs NP in Hot Spring, Arkansas.
    I'm most interested in seeing cool scenery and stopping at famous restaurants or cafes for my meals, so I want to do some cool things, but don't want to lose much time.
    I know that you think you can do it all, but believe, me -- you need to rest when you can. Five days is the mininum that professional drivers would do this run and I doubt you have the fortitude or experience that most of them do. You will be on a speed run and I strongly urge you to read the tips that Judy has written about this subject.


  3. #3
    One on One Guest


    Thanks for the info, Mark. I guess, realistically, I will only be able to see the scenery and won't be able to make many stops, but I'll still have lunch breaks in some pretty cool cities like Dallas where I could at least eat somewhere famous. I'm going to aim for four days, but I have no timeframe at all and I am playing it by ear so if I feel tired, I will stop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default You have some latitude?

    Quote Originally Posted by One on One
    Thanks for the info, Mark. I guess, realistically, I will only be able to see the scenery and won't be able to make many stops, but I'll still have lunch breaks in some pretty cool cities like Dallas where I could at least eat somewhere famous. I'm going to aim for four days, but I have no timeframe at all and I am playing it by ear so if I feel tired, I will stop.
    I thought since this was a "move" that you were under a time constraint. But if you can stretch this out to 5-6 days, there are some truly amazing things to check out as you journey west.

    Just a quickie for chow -- in Dallas -- be sure to check out the Record Grill and in Ft. Worth "Joe T. Garcia" should not be missed. You will not believe the crowds that descend on this establishment at night.


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