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  1. #1
    wiggy Guest

    Default coming from england

    hello all
    can someone please give me some kind of an idea for an itinerary for this:
    im coming to vegas on 6th aug and plan to stay there 3 nights, im hiring a car with 5 others and we plan to drive to san fran and then down coast to L.A we have to be at lax for 22nd aug. we think we would like to take in san diego for last couple of days. so i would like to know how long it takes to drive from san diego to LAX plus what would be some interesting places to visit between vegas and san fran.
    thankyou in advance for any help given

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005



    In between Vegas and San Francisco is a mountain range - the Sierra Nevadas. This limits route choices.

    Death Valley is inbetween Vegas and the Sierras and so thats an obvious stop on your route.

    After Death Valley you could skirt the southern end of the Sierras and then come up the western flank visiting Sequoia and Yosemite national parks before heading west to San Francisco.

    If seeing Sequoia is not important to you then I would recommend crossing the Sierras via the Tioga Pass into Yosemite - a spectacular drive. From Yosemite on either route you could go to San Francisco via the Napa and Sonoma valleys wine growing area.

    For an idea of where everything is in this region, take a look at the map on this page

    San Diego to LAX is around 130 miles and a couple of hours traffic free driving. You will need to add time on to account for traffic depending upon what time of day you are travelling.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bay Area, CA


    I would agree. Yosemite is good.
    If you come to SFO via Sierra Nevada and if you have time, you should take Hwy 1 (at least a part of it, maybe the Big Sur coast)on your way back to LA.
    Its really worth it. Might take you a longer time though.
    There are many places you can stop by: State parks(if you have time) or just vista points along the coast(if you are running short of time: as most of us).

    Let me know the places you would be visiting and how much of a buffer you have. Would be glad to help u with what I know.

    good luck :)

  4. Default SD to LAX

    I'd agree with UK that 2 hours is usually enough time to get to LAX from the San Diego area -- as long as traffic is OK -- but I wanted to emphasize that traffic is frequently NOT OK -- a wreck or two can mess things up royally, so if timing is critical for you, leave yourself plenty extra in case this happens. Just about 3 or 4 times out of 5, driving through the LA area, I seem to encounter traffic problems due to collisions that add a half hour or more to my transit times. Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default I have never seen Bob drive THAT fast!

    Quote Originally Posted by Moderator Bob
    I'd agree with UK that 2 hours is usually enough time to get to LAX from the San Diego area
    Um. I have to wonder when was the last time that either you or UK made this drive in less than two hours? Even with a full police escort it will require two full hours and I would never expect to make this trip without allowing at least an additional 45 minutes. To be safe, you need to allow, at an absolute minium 2 hours and 45 minutes to cover this distance.


  6. Default

    Well, now that you made me THINK about this further -- my 1.5 hour time wasn't to LAX after all -- it was to the Anaheim/Orange County areas from the San Diego I-8/I-5 interchange. So I am corrected -- LAX is at LEAST 30-45 minutes beyond that! Good thing one of us was sharp this morning! :) (Although I'm sure some of those people that passed me at about 95 made it in 1.5 hours...)

  7. #7
    wiggy Guest

    Default thankyou all

    thanks a lot chaps, i have been on this trip before but on a coach so i have some idea. i want to know were to avoid really ie: will death valley be closed etc. i am in vegas for 4 nights then we leave on 10/08/05 and want to be in LA for 18/08/05 to drop some one off. i am thinkin of goin san diego on 20/08/05 and then i fly from LAX on 22/08/05 to hawaii at 15.30. what is best way to san diego, hirecar, bus or train.
    thanks again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Hard to "close" a national park

    Quote Originally Posted by wiggy
    i want to know were to avoid really ie: will death valley be closed etc.
    Death Valley NP won't be closed --- it is pretty hard to close a park for any reason and October is one of the most popular times of the year.
    i am in vegas for 4 nights
    As you probably know, there is plenty to do here. But if you are looking for some more ideas, you might find this helpful.
    what is best way to san diego, hirecar, bus or train.
    If you are starting in LA -- I would vote for the train -- it is really a nice trip.


  9. #9
    wiggy Guest


    how long does train take from L.A to diego plus can you catch it back to LAX
    also i go at beggining of august here in england we have the month in the middle ( 10/08/05) ie: 10th august so will death valley be open then?
    thanks for help

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Never closes (almost)

    Quote Originally Posted by wiggy
    how long does train take from L.A to diego plus can you catch it back to LAX
    I can't remember exactly but memory has the trip from Union Station (downtown LA) to San Diego at about three hours. (according to the website the Pacific Surfliner makes the trip in 2 hrs/45 minutes and the seats are about USD 30.00) No, you would have to arrange bus transport to LA from Union Station
    also i go at beggining of august here in england we have the month in the middle ( 10/08/05) ie: 10th august so will death valley be open then?
    Oh, yeah, sorry about that -- Death Valley is never closed (last summer several of the roads were washed out due to flash floods -- but the park never closes. In fact, August (the hottest month of the year) is a very BUSY time in Death Valley -- finding a room is often difficult that time of the year. Day-time temps are in the 115 to 118 degree F range.

    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 06-22-2005 at 11:00 AM. Reason: Added info

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