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  1. Default New York to LA in December


    Im planning a trip across the US beginning in Dec 2006. My Basic itinery is as follows;

    New York
    El Paso
    Las Vegas
    San Fran

    Obviously ill be stopping off on route in other places but that's the basic outline. What will this trip be like at this time of year? I also wanted to know whether it would be better to stop off in Houston or Austin instead of Dallas and if missing out Colorado would be really dumb. Basically im having huge trouble shaving down my trip to fit into the 37 days I have and my budget which isn't huge! Im a typical Brit wanting to see cliched America im afraid, motels, diners, cacti, dirt roads etc so any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Nothing's ever cliché!

    Hi Molly,

    Welcome to the RoadTrip America Forum!

    Basically im having huge trouble shaving down my trip to fit into the 37 days I have and my budget which isn't huge!
    Well, looks like you plan to cover lots of ground but it is entirely doable in 37 days. Wow, I wish I could have 37 days off too and come along!:-) For tips on budget, check out this article and use the Search function on the forum. It's a very common theme so you will find plenty of information on that topic.

    Im a typical Brit wanting to see cliched America im afraid, motels, diners, cacti, dirt roads etc so any tips would be greatly appreciated!
    Personally, I think every trip is different and the only thing that's cliché is the word itself. When you actually visit those typical places, you often realize that there's much more to them than what people told you.

    Here are some links to motels websites : Motel Americana, Unusual Hotels
    For tips on restaurants, you can browse on our Road Eats page. Dirt roads are everywhere over the States. If you're interested in some typical desert roads and scenery, you can drive through Monument Valley or Arches National Parks among others. US60 through AZ and NM is one of my absolute favourites, especially in the areas of Magdalena (NM) and Salt River Canyon (AZ).

    If you want more specific informations on the locations you mentionned, we'd be pleased to assist you.


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