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  1. #1
    Piper Guest

    Default Heard about 'fund my roadtrip' Craze?

    I live in the UK and over the past few months have heard about 'fund my roadtrip' thing where 4 students are going to roadtrip America in the summer.

    Its gradually been growing in the UK. There has even been rumours of a book deal. Basically they are looking for support from the world and i heard about a web site but when i got to it its not up! Hopefully soon.

    Just wondering if any USA people have heard of it before?????

    Its certainly a bit different

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default They contacted us for sponsorship

    Quote Originally Posted by Piper
    I live in the UK and over the past few months have heard about 'fund my roadtrip' thing where 4 students are going to roadtrip America in the summer.
    We think it is a gimick and not a well-structured one -- someone contacted us and asked for sponsorship funding -- We will watch it and see what develops, but at this point we are not very impressed.


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