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  1. #1
    girlseven Guest

    Default Racial Tensions on the road?

    Roadtrip My boyfriend and i are planning a roadtrip for next summer, we live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We haven't decided yet which route we want to go. We just wanted some advice because we have heard alot of stories about some towns that the people living there are very closed minded and racist. My boyfriend is African American and i am Hispanic. There are some places that we go to where we get bad stares or rude comments made because of our nationalities. We just want to go on a Roadtrip and sight see and mabey stay at motels, and/or bed & breakfast, as the sun goes down, and have a good time. We are afraid of going somewhere where we will be treated like rudley or be denied service because of our nationalities because it is a horrible feeling and that would just ruin our whole roadtrip. Has anyone had any experiences like this? Or is there any places that we should be aware of?

  2. #2
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    First... do you have any particular destination in mind? or even a direction of travel?

    Second... you'll find those kinds of people all over. You really can't plan against it. I really don't know of any places where everyone is like that. Usually it's the outsider giving the dirty looks (case in point- if anyone visits Colorado City, AZ... those here in the Southwest know about that). So unless you pull into some small town where the mayor wears a white sheet over his head, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.

    Third, although establishments can post that they have the right to refuse service to anyone, it is generally illegal to do so based on nationality.

    Remember, this is the new Milleneium. Although I'd like to say that the racial problems are completely gone, the chances of you encountering many problems is far far decreased than a few decades ago.

    (and I have a feeling this thread will be taking a trip to a different board soon).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Another couple recently voiced concerns about this issue. I contacted a friend of mine who is Asian and who has done tons of roadtrips in most parts of the country. He told me that he has never had a problem anywhere. He has only experienced polite behavior from others whether he was in the Northeast, the Deep South, the Midwest, the Southwest, each coast, etc. Of course, he also treats others politely so they probably simply respond back the same way. He does most of his roadtrips either solo or with his kids (ages 5 and 7). Going solo or as the only adult with small children surely makes him a vulnerable target for anyone wanting to do something nasty but he has always felt safe and has had no problems.

    Of course, no one can guarantee you that you won't run into some stupid, loudmouth, racist bigot. Unfortunately, these folks do still exist. But they are becoming more rare (thank goodness!). I find it hard to believe that you'll be in any real danger from someone like this. A rude stare or remark is probably the most you'd encounter. Just ignore them. It's not worth it to provoke someone like this. You won't change their mind and it will only add fuel to their fire.

    I hope this alleviates your concerns a bit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default Where are you going?

    Remember that there are very few places left in this country where there aren't "minorities". I put that into quotations because the town I live in is predominately African American. It's Shreveport, LA and I would bet that it is one city that you might be afraid of entering based on it's location. Don't worry. If someone treats you rudely it may have nothing to do with your skin, it could be your accents, your clothing, their day, etc. Go on your trip and have fun. I've encountered a few rude people out there, but the vast majority are wonderful and willing to help as long as you approach them with a good attitude and a smile.

    Anyway, where are you going? We might be able to give you tips, etc.

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