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  1. #1
    ItsAutomatic Guest

    Default The Perfect American Road Trip

    Hi everyone,

    My friend and I are planning a coast to coast roadtrip this summer. To celebrate our graduation, we have decided to drive from our homes in Charlotte, NC to the West Coast and back again. Our initial thought has been to go up through Chicago and Minneapolis, then cut straight across to Seattle. On the way we would like to visit National Parks such as Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, etc. Once we reach Seattle we would like to drive the length of the coast down through California to LA, and then head back by way of Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, and Houston.

    Our financial situation is of course tight. With such a long roadtrip, our thought has been to stay with as many friends and connections as we can find. In areas where no such connections exist, we will stay in campgrounds, very cheap motels, or sleep in the minivan at truck stops.

    So what advice can you give us? Where would you suggest we visit on our trip? What National Parks are a must-see? What would be a likely cost estimate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Every trip is "Perfect"

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsAutomatic
    My friend and I are planning a coast to coast roadtrip this summer. To celebrate our graduation, we have decided to drive from our homes in Charlotte, NC to the West Coast and back again. Our initial thought has been to go up through Chicago and Minneapolis, then cut straight across to Seattle. On the way we would like to visit National Parks such as Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, etc. Once we reach Seattle we would like to drive the length of the coast down through California to LA, and then head back by way of Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, and Houston.
    Welcome to the Forum! Sounds like a great plan.
    Our financial situation is of course tight. With such a long roadtrip, our thought has been to stay with as many friends and connections as we can find. In areas where no such connections exist, we will stay in campgrounds, very cheap motels, or sleep in the minivan at truck stops.
    Here are some tips about this from Bob and Gen and I will be publishing another article in mid-January on this topic.
    What would be a likely cost estimate?
    That is tricky -- because the costs are so variable -- but taking a huge stab in the dark -- a reasonable three month budget could be as low as $2500 and as high as $7500.

  3. #3
    ItsAutomatic Guest

    Default Roadtrip Documentary

    My friend and I are planning on a big roadtrip across the US, from Charlotte, NC to Seattle, WA down US-1 through California, and back home by way of Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and Houston, TX. We hope to buy a National Park Pass and camp in as many national parks as possible.

    We have been thinking about taking a digital video camera along with us, to document our progress and the great times we have on the road. We were thinking every morning after waking up we would record where we stayed, where we are, how much money has been spent, etc.

    Is such an idea viable? Is it safe for us to bring something like this with us? Is it safe to bring a laptop as well?

  4. #4
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    Yeah, its safe... just don't leave it sitting someplace.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Thirty Years

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsAutomatic
    My friend and I are planning on a big roadtrip across the US, from Charlotte, NC to Seattle, WA down US-1 through California, and back home by way of Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and Houston, TX. We hope to buy a National Park Pass and camp in as many national parks as possible.
    Welcome to the Forum! (again),
    Is such an idea viable? Is it safe for us to bring something like this with us? Is it safe to bring a laptop as well?
    We have carried a variety of electronic equipment, including radios, cameras, laptops on the roadtrips around the continent for the last thirty years -- no problems.

    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 12-11-2005 at 07:15 PM.

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