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Thread: 11 days

  1. Default 11 days


    I and my friend have 11 days from Nov, 24. We are planning a roadtrip from chicago to somewhere we couldn't decide yet. He gave me a proposal to go north eastern around Maine, Rhode Island, Penn, NY. He said it's not that cold because these area are next to the ocean. However, I still have no idea where to stop or which route should we take, we prefer to avoid Interstate as much possible. What we interest are beautiful sceneries and what we've never seen. So could you give us some suggestions on routes, attractions, state parks, travel spot, and so on..

    thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Late Fall in the Northeast

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America Forum!

    I can't argue with your friend's suggestion to see the northeast. It's one of the areas that comes up most frequently on this forum. For starters, let me direct you to some past threads that have dealt with New England, New England in the fall, and NY and PA (as well as Canada). Those should give you some general ideas of what's available. As far as the timing of your trip, it's a bit late to see much fall color in New England, but there's still good color in PA and NY. My rules of thumb when I lived on the coast of Maine were: first snow fall in mid-November, first snow that stayed around for the winter in mid-December. I certainly would not expect things to be warm, but with the proper clothing and mind set, this could be good time to see this area, and 11 days will allow you the time to do it justice.


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