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  1. Default Car Hire & Sightseeing


    I am planning a road trip from NYC to LA next November, 2006, and would really appreciate any information on must see's on the way, and if anyone knows any good places to hire a car from that wont break the bank that would be great too!
    I have just over a month for the trip if that helps in giving any answers, handy hints!
    The previous answers from similar questions have already proved REALLY helpful.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2


    Molly, we need a little more information to be able to reccommend things to see when you are crossing the entire country. What sort of things do you like? Cities? History? Scenery? Mountains? Deserts? Oceans? You could spend a lifetime crossing the US and not see everthing interesting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Let's Start Somewhere

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America Forum -Always glad to help.

    OK - the car rental is one thing we can look at. The cost will largely depend on whether this trip is one-way or round trip. For a round trip, NYC to NYC, you're looking at basic monthly rates of about $800 to $1000 depending on the size of the car and the company you rent from. If you're planning on only going one way and dropping the car in LA, that jumps to $1800-2000! If I were you, I'd be checking the various search engines (Travelocity, Orbitz, Hotwire, Expedia, etc. etc.) every couple of weeks - for now - to see how prices are changing. Some of these sites let you sign up to get notifications if the prices change (i.e. drop).

    As far as things to see and do, I'm afraid Killer is right. You've got to give us a little something to go on. For starters, if this is going to be a round trip, you should plan on taking a different route out and back. That will let you maximize the number of things you'll get to see. Most people choose among the transcontinental Interstates (I-70, I-40, I-30/20/10) to form the backbone of the trip. Have a look at those and see what along their general route appeals to you. Just remember that with a month, you can get pretty far off them and still make your journey comfortably. Once you pick a few big ticket stops and the basic routing, you (and we) can start adding stops and attractions along the way.


  4. #4


    If your trip is one way and cost is a factor, you might want to consider a drive-away?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Drive-Away

    Quote Originally Posted by MollyG
    if anyone knows any good places to hire a car from that wont break the bank that would be great too!

    Here is some information about the Drive-Away programs.

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