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  1. Default Michigan to Mississippi- help with maps

    Hello All,

    I am driving my family to a reunion this Friday from Portage, MI to Columbus, MS. I have tried a few different map websites as well as relatives. They offer two basic ways to go.

    1- head to Chicago, take 57 through Illinois, Missouri, pick up 55 in Arkansas and into Mississippi. My relatives say this is the long way- Microsoft streets and trips says its shorter.

    2- my relatives and some map programs say to go through Indiana on I 69, into Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and then Birmingham to Columbus, MS.

    Does any have any suggestions on which way to go?
    Every map program also gives a different distance ranging from 780- 840 miles. Very odd.

    Any help greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Close Call

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    I can see why you'd be getting different options. The two routes are pretty close, and since most online programs default to "fastest route," its not at all uncommon to get different recommendations depending how each program calculates its estimated travel time.

    The route through Chicago is probably a little shorter, but I personally think that I-69 to Indy, and then I-65 to Birmingham would be the faster option. As you probably know if you've driven through, traffic through the southern part of the Chicago area, especially around Gary, IN, can easily add a lot of time to your trip.

    Ultimately, the difference in mileage is a pretty small percentage of your overall trip, so I don't think you'll see a huge difference either way.

    Personally, if this is a round trip, I'd take one route down, and take the other back.

  3. Default

    That makes a lot of sense. I was not looking foward to dealing with Chicago area traffic Friday morning. I'll give the Indiana route a shot.


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