i just traveled highway 2 across the michigan penninsula. it is beautiful but it takes forever to get across. The speed limit in every little town goes down to 25-35 mph and there are red lights. i took highway 2 from the upper penninsula of michigan to minot ND It was an extremely long trip compared to my normal route of I-94 It got to be frustrating and discouraging to be driving for so long and not getting very far. The speed limit out of towns maxs at 65 and is usually only 55. i would recommend sticking with i-94 with a detour in montana to see the park. then if you want to do teh upper penninsula i would take 94 to minnepolis then take 8 to hwy 2 across michigan and down 131 if you take hwy 2 the whole way across it will take forever especially if you wanted to stop anywhere there are only so many hours of daylight to see the scenery and then it's just aggravating to stop all the time in the dark for red lights and town speed limits