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  1. Default Sacramento to New York; Advice Appreciated.

    I'm relocating to New York. Traveling Solo. Leaving on a Friday night. The trip is some 2800 miles.

    Friday Night -To Reno. Stop stay over. Rise early & drive to Salt Lake.

    Sat- To Salt Lake City, UT.

    Sun-make it to Cheyenne, WY

    Mon- To Lincoln or Omaha, NE

    Tues-Dekalb or Aurora, IL (& Chicago)

    Wed-Cleveland, OH

    Thurs -New York City, NY

    Was wondering if anyone has any advice; readers completed a similar Journey; stops along the way & if my goals are realistic ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default The Difference 6 Days Makes

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    Six days (and one evening) is barely enough to make this drive comfortably. Your problem is not that any given day is too much, but that 6 straight days of long distance driving will eventually begin to take its toll. You do mix up your days a bit, with a short day between Chicago and Cleveland (about 350 miles) and longer days such as between Reno and Salt Lake City (520 miles). That will help, but this is all interstate driving and it will get monotonous. I urge you to find a park or small town somewhere along your route each day and take a half hour to hour walk for the exercise and mental break. For example, on the first day you could either walk around Elko, NV or South Fork State Recreation Area. Several such pauses along your route will make the drive more relaxing as well as safer.


  3. Default Thanks for responding

    Unfortunately I didn't craft my itenerary very well.

    Plan on staying in Reno, Salt Lake, Laramie or Cheyenne, Iowa near Illinois, then Chicago.

    Then perhaps Pittsburgh, then Home.

    Just purchased a Rand Map, much better to actually see the US laid out then a sketch on a mapquest.

    Distance to Chicago is roughly 1900 miles. Hope to be there late tuesday eve, early Wednesday Morning ?

    Possible ?

    4 days x 475 miles per day ?

    Sounds like a tough run ?

    How well lit is US 80 ?

    Thanks ..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Agree and Disagree

    I don't think you are biting off too much with your plans. However, I will say I like your first itinerary far better than your updated version. In your second plan, you seem to be pushing too far to try and work in a stop in Chicago.

    That said, I do agree with AZ Buck about making sure that you take time for breaks and you should find things to do off the road along the way. This many consecutive days of long distance driving will take its toll no matter what you do, but getting off the road for even an hour or two a day will make the rest of the driving much more bearable.

  5. Default I agree !!

    Was plotting the following plan

    Friday Night to LoveLock, NV - = 229 miles

    Take a bit of the sting out of Salt Lake City, UT, for Saturday evening.
    = 426 miles

    Rise early, head to Laramie, WY by Sunday evening.= 390 miles

    Go as far as I can in Nebraska, hopeful of making Lincoln or Omaha by Monday eve = 493 miles or 543 if it's Omaha (I know 493 was pushing it)

    Rise early on Tuesday for Iowa going as far as I can. Have my sights set on the Cedar Rapids Area or Davenport = 303 miles (may lessen the Nebraska drive, add to Iowa)

    Start out early Wednesday hoping to stop in Chicago, but its not imperative. Perhaps Cleveland Wednesday Night. = 497 miles

    Will start out early Thursday head for Wilkesbarre, PA = 357 Miles if I make good time i'll shoot for Home + 125 miles :-)

    Grand Total = 2870

    This is my plan, certainly subject to change.

    Was thinking of driving for 125 mile intervals + sleeping , etc to keep fresh.

    Get about 6 or 7 hrs of sleep per night

    Any advice ?

    What is the lighting like at night on US 80 between Reno & Lovelock ?

    Thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Looks good to me!

    I think this last plan looks pretty darn good.

    Was thinking of driving for 125 mile intervals + sleeping , etc to keep fresh.
    Good plan. Most people forget this and think they can drive for hours. However, I would urge you to be very loose with this plan. In other words, you might have some days where you feel great and can drive 3-4-5 hours at a clip without needing rest. And you might have other days when virtually every hour you need a rest. Listen to your body on this one.

    I remember a time when I pushed myself for a few days and it caught up with me. Since I had to get back for work, I couldn't take the day off like I felt I needed. I had a bit of a headache but that wasn't my major problem. My eyes were definitely tired and strained and just needed rest. So I stopped a LOT that day and napped. I think I stopped 3-4 times that day at fairly busy parks and visitor centers that had grassy areas, laid my blanket down, and napped. Some naps were only 20-30 minutes but a couple were closer to an hour or maybe even a bit more. I got to my destination later that night, but that's OK because at least I got there!, and then slept the sleep of a hibernating bear that night, too. But I felt much better the next day (my last day on the road) and could zip home without extra rest stops.

    Actually, I think movement is the best thing to do when you get out of the car because you need to help your circulation but, on that day, carrying my blanket and pillow to a place to sleep was about all the extra movement I could muster.

    So, like I said, stop when you're tired, stop when you start realizing that you're driving too much on auto-pilot and not paying attention to the road, stop when you start feeling crabby or stressed, etc. Don't limit yourself to a schedule on this on such a long trip.

    You might read "The Art of the Speed Run" for some other hints on getting home safely.

    However, I think your plan looks fine. Well-balanced drives, etc. You should have a fun trip and be able to squeeze in a bit of sightseeing as well.

    I can't answer your question about lighting between Reno and Lovelock because I have only driven this stretch during the day. It may or may not be well lit. Does it really matter? I've driven on numerous roads without good lighting at night without any problem. If your headlights are working right, and aimed right (you might want to get this checked), you should be fine. Use your high beams but remember the rules of the road with high beams and don't blind other traffic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default An easy answer

    Quote Originally Posted by NORCALTONY
    What is the lighting like at night on US 80 between Reno & Lovelock?
    That's easy -- for the most part -- there is none. Except for the bedroom communities east of Reno and the central area of Lovelock, this is a very rural area and there is NO overhead lighting.


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