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  1. #1
    Robin Adams Guest

    Default Southwest roadtrip

    OK guys, you've not let me down on the advice front yet (would love to be able to return the favour sometime!). Potential Itinery (departing KC on Sun 5th December)

    Day 1 - Drive from KC to Denver (stay overnight in Denver)
    Day 2 - Drive from Denver to Green River, just north of Canyonlands NP Utah (stay overnight in Green River)
    Day 3 - Look around Canyonlands NP (stay overnight in Moab)
    Day 4 - Look around Arches NP (Stay overnight in Moab)
    Day 5 - Look around Mesa Verde and 4 Corners NP (Stay overnight in Bluff)
    Day 6 - Look around Natural Bridges and Monument Valley (Stay overnight in Flagstaff)
    Day 7 - Drive to Las Vegas.

    I reckon it's doable and not too strenuous (at least streets and trips seems to think so!). Thanks for all the advice on I-70 and the weather. Any issues with regards to this itinerary? And of course any suggestions as to things I might have missed in the area worthwhile visiting, or things I'm doing that aren't worth it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default sounds good

    On Day 5 - "look around Mesa Verde and 4 corners..." - 4 Corners is a couple minutes photo stop (depending how busy it is with folks waiting to stand on "the spot"). The rest of your time, take a couple of the guided tours (or at least one) at Mesa Verde. Depending on the season you go - book the Mesa Verde tour in advance. Saves time when you arrive, and ensures you DO get a tour.

    Do you not want to go to the GRAND CANYON? Perhaps you've been before?

  3. Default Or Canyon de Chelly

    Canyon de Chelly is one of my favorites -- if you don't decide on the Grand Canyon, and/or if you are still looking for additions, I think Cyn de Chelly is a "don't miss."

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