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  1. Default Los Angeles To Portland (or the other way around)

    Anyone done this? Trying to figure out how long this will take. I'm also looking to move out there, somewhere between LA and Portland, so I'm looking for a place to settle down for a few years.. any favorite areas out there? I'm looking for the progressive/earth friendly thinking of Portland, but with the job opportunities/culture opportunities of LA. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Which way?

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    LA to Portland via I-5 is about 960 miles, which will take you 17-18 hours. That's the fastest route, although there are lots of more scenic options by staying close to the coast, they will just take significantly longer.

    In terms of cities for relocation, I would think Portland would have plenty of Culture and Job Opportunities. If that's not big enough, San Francisco and Seattle would really be the only two other major cities I can think of that might meet your criteria.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Yes, several times.

    Michael has the timing pretty close. And that's 17-18 hours of driving. More with stops.

    Seattle and San Francisco are so congested traffic-wise...and expensive to live in! I think Portland is a nice mix of big city with lots to do, and lots of culture, combined with better traffic flow. It also has a much better transit system than Seattle does for commuting to work. And it's not quite as expensive to live in yet. It's definitely worth checking out.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto
    Anyone done this? Trying to figure out how long this will take. I'm also looking to move out there, somewhere between LA and Portland, so I'm looking for a place to settle down for a few years.. any favorite areas out there? I'm looking for the progressive/earth friendly thinking of Portland, but with the job opportunities/culture opportunities of LA. Thanks!
    I had moved to Portland Oregon from Los Angeles, CA 15 months ago after living in LA for almost 20 years.

    I feel that living in Portland Oregon would be like to live in paradise compare with LA. No traffic, no commute, a lot of tree, bicycle trial everywhere, fresh air all the time and got the best playgrounds in the world. I heard a lot of familes in Southern Californian will move out of state. It is sad to hear that. It is mainly due to the real estate are over price and poor living quality.

    I feel that my move up to Portland had made a right decision. It is safer in Oregon than in LA. There are less gangs or violence here in OR.

    It is not easy to pack up and go, especially when I have a family and a job to worry about. Once I had made the move, I would be glad that I did! Lifestyle over here is just slower and it is good for our health. I like the rainy and cold weather and the air quality in Portland is worth all the effort!

    I love cycling in Portland, I would say Portland is the best cycling city in US. Here has such a generous network bike path system, and excellent bike lanes along many of the major traffic St.

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