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  1. Default Need advice for roadtrip mid October

    Hi all,

    My wife and I are planning a roadtrip in Arizona and California in mid October.

    So far the plan is:

    Arrival in Phoenix (from London)
    Phoenix to Grand Canyon
    Grand Canyon to Las Vegas
    Las Vegas to Death Valley to Sequoia to Yosemite
    Yosemite to San Francisco
    San Francisco to LA (where we depart back to London)

    We are still in doubt whether we should rent a car for the entire trip, or wait until we get to California - we heard the drop off charge is high if you leave the car in another state.

    We have 2 weeks for the trip - do you think this is enough or will it be too rushed?

    Any thought and ideas on our trip appreciated, as we just started planning.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Time is elastic

    Quote Originally Posted by Henrik
    My wife and I are planning a roadtrip in Arizona and California in mid October.
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum! In my view, October is the perfect month for roadtrips in North America.
    We are still in doubt whether we should rent a car for the entire trip, or wait until we get to California - we heard the drop off charge is high if you leave the car in another state.
    The drop-off charges are determined by a variety of issues and some companies have fairly liberal policies. For ease of use, I would recommend keeping the same car for the two weeks.
    We have 2 weeks for the trip - do you think this is enough or will it be too rushed?
    For such a route, you could easily spend two months and only see a fraction of what is out there. That being said, time is pretty elastic and the great thing about a roadtrip is that you get to decide how much time to spend where. But I think you are trying to do too much -- I would scale it back to Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Yosemite. The route between Las Vegas and San Francisco is discussed here frequently -- there are over 600 posts (use the search utility).

    Happy Planning!


  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default Time is of the essence

    Welcome aboard Henrik!

    I agree with Mark. 2 weeks (not sure if you mean 14 days exactly) may be just a little short for visiting all the places. You could still "see" death valley though, as in driving through it to Seqouia. So, technically you could still be able to cross that off your list

    This is sort of what I envision as a timetable, or at least one that I would have if following the route with the same amount of time.

    Day 1: Phoenix to Grand Canyon
    Day 2-3: Visiting Grand Canyon
    Day 4: Grand Canyon to Las Vegas
    Day 5: Visiting Vegas
    Day 6: Vegas to Seqouia via Death Valley
    Day 7 - 8: Seqouia
    Day 9: Seqouia to Yosemite
    Day 10 - 12: Yosemite
    Day 13: Yosemite to SF
    Day 14: San Francisco, depart for the UK.


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