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  1. Default St. Louis to California

    This summer three friends and I were planning a road trip to Chula Vista, California. We would be going in either a GMC Jimmy or a Ford Focus. I know polar opposites. We planned to stop in Kansas City, Denver, Reno, and San Francisco. Then we would drive the 101 all the way down to Chula Vista. On the way home we were going to stop in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Oklahoma City. We wanted it to be a huge circle of the country. What major sites are we missing? Any tips for a road trip of this size? And, lastly, any estimates on cost?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Tips on Tips

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    Well, we have a whole raft of resources on Road Trip Planning, and even more on execution. A few of the basic ones that are practically "musts" for your case would be for you all to take the RoadTripComparability Quiz just to make sure that you and your friends are clear on (and agree on) the goals of the trip, particularly if you take the Focus. And these two links (Trip Cost Estimates, and Fuel Cost Calculator). Those should get you a pretty good start on setting up your own ideal Road Trip.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Time is a factor

    Quote Originally Posted by adjiof18
    We wanted it to be a huge circle of the country. What major sites are we missing? Any tips for a road trip of this size?
    Perhaps I missed it, but how long have you allowed for this "circle tour"? It would be tough to do such a trip in less than three weeks and I would suggest a minimum budget of $2,100. But that link "Trip Cost Estimates" provided by AZBuck and written by Moderator Judy is superb and one that you should certainly review!


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