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  1. #1
    bbrown2440 Guest

    Default Boston to Colorado

    On the 6th of June I am going to Colorado for two months. Looking at a map interstate 70 looks like a better route then interstate 80. When I go to use any map planner online they all say to take interstate 80. Does any one have any suggestions on why to take one over the other?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Probably distance...

    When I plug Boston to Denver into MS Streets & Trips, it suggests I-80, too. Going via I-80, your trip would be 2000. Via I-70, your trip is 2026 miles. 26 miles difference isn't enough to really effect your trip but it is enough to push these routing engines to suggesting that shorter route. They will always suggest that which is considered the quickest route.

    That said, the best route is the one that takes you through the areas you want to see. And, like I said, 26 miles difference isn't enough to base your decision on. So take I-70 if you think you would enjoy that route more.

    I wish I could give you advise on which road is the most pleasurable and scenic but I've never had the pleasure of driving these roads. Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    bbrown2440 Guest

    Default Looking For Opinions

    Thanks Judy. That makes sense to me I have never traveled far on either one but by looking at a map I 70 looks like I will be traveling through smaller cities. I would think the Motels would be less expensive this way. Also by avoiding the traffic around cities it could even be faster. If any one has traveled these roads I would appreciate hearing from them. Especially if I am wrong.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It is a factor of speed

    Quote Originally Posted by bbrown2440
    On the 6th of June I am going to Colorado for two months. Looking at a map interstate 70 looks like a better route then interstate 80
    . The reason why the mapping programs choose I-80 is two-fold: first it is closer to your orgination point (Boston) and second it is a little shorter due the curvature of the earth and it is marginally flatter so presumably one can travel faster. However, I-80 never actually enters Colorado (you will need to head south I-76) the highway skirts the extreme NE corner of the state. Personally I like I-70 because it passes through Columbus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, etc.
    That makes sense to me I have never traveled far on either one but by looking at a map I 70 looks like I will be traveling through smaller cities. ... If any one has traveled these roads I would appreciate hearing from them. Especially if I am wrong.
    Smaller cities? Um.... Well, I-80 goes through Chicago, but if you are looking for smaller cities on the route I-80 would win that contest hands-down!
    I would think the Motels would be less expensive this way. Also by avoiding the traffic around cities it could even be faster.
    I don't you could find any difference in the prices of chain motels near either Interstate highway. Those prices tend to be fixed on a regional basis (or even national rate) -- if you are seeking inexpensive motels -- for the most most part you will need to follow the "business loop routes" at each major city and find those motels that are well-off the path.

    As far as either route being faster -- for most of the country they would be a dead heat. You can probably average 55 to 57 mph over an eight hour travel day (this assumes that you will be traveling at or in excess of the posted speed limits, will stop twice for fuel and food and a rest stop or two).

    Where in Colorado are you going?


  5. #5
    bbrown2440 Guest

    Default Thanks Mark

    I will be going to the town of Marble it is west of Aspen. I will be taken 82 south From Glenwood Springs to Rt.133.
    All else being equal which way do you think has the most scenic views? I do not like big cities

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default That is pretty country

    Quote Originally Posted by bbrown2440
    I will be going to the town of Marble
    That is real pretty country down there --
    All else being equal which way do you think has the most scenic views? I do not like big cities
    Bob, you mean between I-80 and I-70? Until you get to the Rockies - they are similar -- but I really can't help here -- because I like going to the cities on the way and that is why I would choose I-70.


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