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  1. #1
    Dave Kerbel Guest

    Default Boston to Colorado in August- anyone want to join me?

    Greetings travelers!

    I am going to be heading from Boston to Colorado in August. I have one seat free in my car and would love to find someone to come along. I'm actuallly going to be relocating out there somewhere, but want to make the ride a good time. I'm actually in the process of stocking up on new tunes. (just got 2 new Dicks Picks) Anyways,
    if anyone is interested, shoot me an email at:


    dave kerbel

  2. Default

    Hi, my name is Moona. this summer I have plan road trip from boston to Colorado with my son. Can we follow you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    South of England.

    Default Much to late.

    Hi moonachoi, welcome to RTA !

    If you check the date of this post you will see that this trip was taken in the year 2000. If you want help creating your own trip then I would advise you start your own thread in the appropriate forum. You will get more out of your trip by researching and creating your own trip then you will just following someone else, I'm not really sure why you would want to do that.

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