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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default Come to Chicago Before The Berhoff's is Gone

    A great and venerable Chicago tradition closes at the end of February. After 106 years, the Berhoff's restaurant is closing its doors for good. Well, actually not for good, but it won't be the same. The bar will remain open, but the only food will be available at banquets.

    This is another example of the kids not wanting to continue on with a family tradition and business, something that happens all too often these days.

    This comes closes on the heels of the demise of Marshall Field's, the great old store that helped usher in the era of department stores over 150 years ago. It will become a Macy's and retain much of its old character, but without the name, it just won't be the same. I have heard that the name will remain on the store for awhile longer.

    So, if you can get to Chicago before the end of February, you might just get to see some real history before it rides off into the sunset forever. I know I'll pay one or more visits.

    For more information, check out these two sites:

    Berghoff''s tributes

    Marshall Field's history

    Keep on Down that Two Lane Highway. -- RoadDog
    Last edited by AZBuck; 01-02-2006 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Links provided

  2. Default Things keep changing

    That's the nature of life. Things keep changing. When I think back over the road trips I've made and how places and highways have changed over time, the differences between "then" (50s and 60s) and "now" are striking. This is another reason for us to keep roadtripping -- we need to keep track of how things change! Hey, any old excuse.

    I saw the notice of Berhoff's closing here in the local Phoenix paper -- we have a lot of Chicago transplants here I guess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default Tips for Visiting Chicago's Berghoff

    In the January 27th Chicago Tribune, reporter Monica Eng gave tips to those of you who plan on visiting the Berghoff before it closes at the end of February. Evidently. there are a lot of people planning to do just that. Long waits and no reservations are the tour de force now.

    She reports that the "lines are not pretty." Wait times have been clocked at 45 minutes to 2 and a half hours. All reservation slots have been filled and the Berghoff's website says they are not accepting new ones. Also, some of the souvenirs are sold out or nearly so.

    She goes on to give a list of things visitors should do.

    If any of you want to look it up, the headline was "How to Squeeze in a Final Schnitzel."

    I plan to visit in the next couple weeks and will make a final report on this very old Chicago institution. I'll get there at the 11:30 Saturday opening and hopefully I won't hit one of those lines. It is closed on Sundays.

    If you find yourself anywhere near Chicago, I suggest you stop in.

    Keep on Down that Two Lane Highway and Eat Your Schnitzel. RoadDog
    Last edited by AZBuck; 01-28-2006 at 12:20 PM. Reason: Merged with Previous Posts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default That's Actually Spelled Berghoff

    Oooppps. Looks like I would know how to spell it. They're not open on Sundays and time's running out.

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