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  1. #1
    skunk Guest

    Default Re: Chicago to Vancouver BC R/T in 3 weeks?

    hi all,

    i have 3 weeks in november that i am thinking of taking a roadtrip. is it doable to trek from chicago to vancouver bc and back to chicago with some time spent in vancouver bc?

    what route is the best?

    i have never driven that long of a distance before, the farthest i have ever driven was from chicago to toronto and i did it in about 8 hours.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Sounds Great!


    Distance by the fastest and most direct route is around 4500 miles. If you had good weather, fast wheels and a terminal dose of caffeine, the entire round-trip route could be accomplished in around 67 hours. Hopefully, you would not be quite so rash though.

    The fastest route would either be I-90 or I-94, but since you have some time... I would travel on US Hwy 2 also known as "The Great Northern" -- It is one of the classic American RoadTrip routes for the northern USA. Rather conversely, I would suggest you head east from Chicago and head north on US 131 so you can drive the northern penisula of Michigan, picking up US 2 in St. Ignace. After exploring that region check out the Big Fish Supper Club in Bena, Minnesota, or marvel at the roadside giants like the world's largest buffalo in North Dakota near Jamestown.

    It is hard to imagine passing up Glacier National Park or any of the other amazing places that you will pass when you travel this route.

    Have an adventure!


  3. #3
    skunk Guest

    Default Best time guesses?

    thanks mark for your suggestions!

    so if i take the fastest route on one way (either on my way to BC or on my way back to chicago), and take "the great northern" on my other leg of the trek, how long do you think it would take for both trips? i am trying to figure out how much time i would have to stay in BC.

    thanks again,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Steady Nerves?

    OK -- If you use the Interstates and experience good weather and dry roads, you can cover the distance in less than two days.

    If you travel on US-Hwy 2 and stop and check out the views/bars/etc and travel 4-6 hours per day, the trip will take around 6-7 days.

    Hope that helps.


  5. #5
    skunk Guest

    Default thanks!

    thanks mark for your info.

    i think i will probably do the hw-2 (6-7 days) on my way to BC, spend 10 days there, then take the interstate (2 days) on my way back to chicago.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default One Request!

    I have yet to travel in the Upper Michigan penisula and have missed whole sections of US-2. I would be grateful if you would post some of your discoveries on this Forum upon your return to Chicago.

    Have a fantastic adventure!

    (Why the moniker: "skunk"?)

  7. #7
    skunk Guest

    Default re: stripe-away

    i sure would post whatever that i encounter during my adventure if i did indeed decide to do it. why skunk? well, i have a black and white color schemed mini cooper and i love it dearly. =D

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