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  1. #1
    Amazingjourney Guest

    Default Portland, Oregon to West Virginia in Januray

    Howdy all. My wife and I are relocating from Oregon to West Virginia in late January. We are concerned about weather and safety, and were planning on first taking I 5 South all the way to Bakersfield CA, and then taking the 40. We are also considering taking 84 down to SLC and switching to the 70, however we are worried about crossing the Rockies. Of course we will pay attention to weather reports and understand we could be held up somewhere.
    We would really appreciate any insights or experiences that you folks may have.
    - Thanks!!

  2. Default Decide based on the weather and road conditions

    You might keep your options open, and decide your route just before the trip. Have a plan in mind for several routes, and choose the one at the time that looks the best. You may find that I-70 is your best choice. Some of the more northern routes have better records for snow removal than others -- I-70 is one that has that reputation. So even shortly after a storm, it can be a better choice than I-40 at times. Bob

  3. #3
    Amazingjourney Guest

    Default Thanks Bob!

    That sure was fast! I hope you have a good day.

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