View Poll Results: Which do you suggest, Colorado Springs or Boston?

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  • Colorado Springs

    5 62.50%
  • Boston

    3 37.50%
Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1

    Default College Girls Looking for safe trip

    Hi! Four of my friends and I were planning a trip. We were looking into two possible trips.

    1) Driving from home (Missouri) to Colorado Springs, stopping at cool places along the way, staying there a couple of days and then driving back


    2) Going Bosten way, stopping at cool places, staying there a couple of days et. etc. etc.

    Does anyone have any tips or advice for either one of these? Our trip would be mid March. What's the weather like usually in both of these parts? Any suggestions on stopping places? Etc. Etc. Etc

    Thanks for any advice/tips/help you could give me!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Apples and Oranges

    These are two very different ideas. It certainly depends on what your interests are more importantly, how much time you have.

    From Columbia, CO Springs is about 700 miles away, Boston is about 1300.

    If you've got a lot of time and really want to stop and things along the way, I'd say Boston would be a great idea. There are hundreds of possibilites along the way, depending upon what you'd like to see.

    If you've got a week or less, I'd say CO Springs would be the way to go. It's a beautiful areas and you could get there in a long day of driving if you wanted or needed to. That said, your choices for things to stop and do along the way consist of Kansas, which while a fine state in its own right, isn't exactly a hotbed of activity, especially in the western 2/3 of the state.

    The Weather either way will be that great transition from winter to spring, with the potential of great weather, or the potential of a snowstorm. I will point out however, that if you do head to CO, skiing should still be an option if that's among your interests.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default What kinds of things interest you?

    Quote Originally Posted by talkativerae
    Hi! Four of my friends and I were planning a trip. We were looking into two possible trips.
    It would really help if we knew how long the total trip was expected to be. And, what kinds of things strike you as being cool? Are you looking for hot bars? Scenic sites, historical places?


  4. #4

    Default Hmmm

    Well, we've decide to go from Missouri to Richmond VA to Pittsburgh PA to Cinncinnati and then back. We're looking for some hot bars, good museums and weird things along the way. We're going to be travelling for a week or so.

    Thanks for the responses so far and thanks for any more to come!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Detour to Washington DC?

    Quote Originally Posted by talkativerae
    Well, we've decide to go from Missouri to Richmond VA to Pittsburgh PA to Cinncinnati and then back. We're looking for some hot bars, good museums and weird things along the way. We're going to be travelling for a week or so.
    How about a weird and very cool museum? This very impressive collection includes a giant hairball in a glass case and hundreds of other things you can not even imagine. Pittsburgh is one of my favorite cities -- check out Gerald's field report here and the list of his most recent explorations here.

  6. #6

    Default Yes!

    It's stuff like that that we are looking for. This will be our last college spring break road trip (we are all graduating) so we want to make it weird and memorable.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default In that case...

    Quote Originally Posted by talkativerae
    It's stuff like that that we are looking for. This will be our last college spring break road trip (we are all graduating) so we want to make it weird and memorable.
    Here are a couple more places, that I have always wanted to visit... The Glore Psychiatric Museum in St. Joseph, MO. Mister Ed's Elephant Museum in Ortanna, PA and Warther's Carvings in Dover, Ohio.

  8. Default

    I too would suggest CO for a short, Boston for a long.

    And this mentality might not suit everyone, but for me when I want it to be weird and memorable, I do as little planning as possible. Just fly by the seat of my pants, you know. So my suggestion for making the way there fun is just to stay spontanious!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default hot bars?

    If you are looking for hot bars, parties, etc... head Boston way.
    If you are looking for scenic beauty & things to do and "see", go Colorado Springs.
    Your initial question was which is "safer". I would say Colorado Springs way rather than east to the "big cities".

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