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  1. #1

    Default 4 foreign college girls RoadTrip 2003

    Four of us want to go on the road across the U.S. for the summer (3 months!!) & party!!! Any clue to where the hottest parties of the summer will be? Also, any tips on cheap cars will be a help.

  2. Default

    It really depends on your age and what you consider a hot party to be.

    Here's a list of my personal favorite cities to let loose in. I'll go east to west: absolute must. Leave enough time for my hometown.

    Boston, MA

    The Jersey Shore (the New Jersey coastline)

    Virginia Beach, VA

    Atlanta, GA (the Buckhead district)

    Nashville, TN

    Memphis, TN (Beale Street at night is a great time)

    New Orleans, LA (The French Quarter rocks all year round)

    Cleveland, OH (The Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame is a must see,
    plus the downtown party scene is underrated)

    Chicago, IL (A bit pricy, but there's plenty to do, especially at night)

    Minneapolis, MN (A bit out of the way, but I lived there for awhile and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. Bars close early, but there's plenty of them downtown)

    Boulder, CO (I prefer the nightlife in Boulder to that of the vastly larger Denver, which is 30 miles away)

    Las Vegas

    Los Angeles, CA (Hollywood and the Sunset Strip)

    San Francisco, CA

    Arcata, CA-- (if you're into the hippie lifestyle ;)

    Eugene, OR (see Arcata, CA)

    Seattle, WA (excellent music scene, few danceclubs)

    You should also know that Canada boasts four of my favorites as well...Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver.


  3. #3


    thanks angus

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