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  1. Default Road Trip from New Jersey to Portland, OR

    Dear all,

    My wife and I are planning on driving from New Jersey to Portland this June for a wedding. Any thoughts on a route? We would like to take a senice, slower pace, taking about a week to get there. I was thinking about driving US highway 2 out to Portland, and then taking another highway back.

    Any thoughts would be great, especially regarding costs, etc.


  2. Default

    If you pick up US2 north of Chicago at Duluth, the US2 route is about 3200 miles and over 6 days just driving. Beautiful route. You could return through Salt Lake and Cheyenne, or evn I-70 for the beautiful run across Colorado -- there's some great federal highways (non-interstates) in that neighborhood as well -- US50 for example -- if you haven't gotten your fill of the two-lane pace by then. (Some love it, others get bored). Keep your options open and go where the whim takes you with nothing more than a basic plan to get you started.

    For two people, you can probably get by on $150 per day with fuel where it is right now, not counting spending loot. roughly $60 day gas (@26 mpg and $2.75 gal), $35-$75 lodging, $35 per day food. You could make do with less if you are frugal.

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