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  1. #1
    cor_blimmey Guest

    Default Brit's first US roadtrip.

    At last, somewhere to post my misguided and maybe wildly in-accurate dream of a road-trip.

    Any help, support, stories or ideas would be most welcome.

    Firstly, the background: Living in London can drive you crazy; a city of 20 million people, living in the area the size of a small supermarket car park. Therefore we are looking at a road trip to experience vast expanse of nothing more than desert, heat, road's and of course great american hospitality.

    Second, the facts:

    2-4 guys, 2 week trip, planning on renting a Mustang (or similar) American car. Would love to visit Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, drive through Death Valley, maybe nip into Mexico, then head for California-baby.....! (I heard Pacific highway is supposed to be cool?)

    Thirdly, apologies:

    In Britain, everything is "just round the corner". So please feel free to laugh, scoff, make fun of and generaly, insult my itinerary above. I've been told America is quite big. :)

    Looking forward to any ideas........


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A Dream RoadTrip!

    Quote Originally Posted by cor_blimmey
    At last, somewhere to post my misguided and maybe wildly in-accurate dream of a road-trip.
    Welcome to the RTA Forum -- here no idea is to whacky to be discussed, but as you will find when you read the threads listed at the bottom of this page, we roadtrippers tend to have differing opinions about the way to do "road trips."
    Firstly, the background: Living in London can drive you crazy; a city of 20 million people, living in the area the size of a small supermarket car park. Therefore we are looking at a road trip to experience vast expanse of nothing more than desert, heat, road's and of course great american hospitality.
    We have some of those other pressures here too -- but it is possible to get out there here.
    Second, the facts:
    2-4 guys, 2 week trip, planning on renting a Mustang (or similar) American car. Would love to visit Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, drive through Death Valley, maybe nip into Mexico, then head for California-baby.....! (I heard Pacific highway is supposed to be cool?)
    First, you won't be able to drive your rental car into Mexico unless you want to chance a close-up encounter with the US penal system... But you can walk in and hire a car if you want. Are you arriving by air in Las Vegas or? Las Vegas is one of those grand cities where you don't need a guide -- but if you wanted to see some of why we are in Las Vegas -- here are some of our finds. Two weeks is a reasonable span of time to see some of this area. There is a book written by a Brit that gives a good introduction to taking a roadtrip in America. and the very best guide I have ever read (for finding those local places) on the Coast highway is this one. Finally, check out some of the other treads that have been posted on this board about Las Vegas, Death Valley and the Highway One.


  3. #3
    cor_blimmey Guest


    Excelent idea, thanks for your suggestion. I'll get that book and let you know how I get on. Thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Advice for UK first timers in USA


    There is so much thats different in the USA compared to the UK. I've documented as much of it as I can in these pages

    I hope that this helps.


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