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  1. #1
    PaulaWW Guest

    Default Mass to Nebraska-leaving Weds. Help!

    We are talking about going out Rte 80, any suggestions, any ideas as to best places to rest, eat and maybe get a little exercise...We leave this Wednesday. Quick responses helpful!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default It's not a job, it's an adventure

    Rather than me giving you specific recommendations, I think you'd do better with just some general advice. In my mind the purpose and joy of a road trip is the exploration of the off-beat and unusual. You could easily do this trip by just sticking to the interstates and only stopping at the official rest areas and only eating at the exit ramp Denny's and McDonald's. How boring. By coming to this forum you've proven you want more. The best spur of the moment food stops I've found are made by getting off the interstate, not far - maybe 10 to 20 miles off is plenty - just enough that not every car with three screaming kids is going to be joining you. Then head for a small town - I've found towns of 3,000 to 10,000 are the best size - and eat in the local mom and pop diner/restaurant. It won't take long for you to learn to recognize the places that have the good food, they're the one's with lots of cars out front and a table full of good ole' boys just by the kitchen.

    For resting and exercise, head directly for the smaller state parks out in the countryside. A cursory look at I-80 through the midwest shows that you're never too far from such a park that is, again, within 10 or 20 miles of the interstate.

    And finally, for places to stay. If you're really in the mood for something other than the standard motel, and don't want to camp, consider Bed and Breakfasts. The one's my wife and I have stayed in have provided unfailingly pleasant experiences. The down side is that you will have to do some research as to what it is you want in the area where you'll be pulling over for the evening, and they're not the cheapest lodging you're going to find on the road, but the experience is unique. Go on line and just 'google' the town name (or a local attraction) and bed breakfast. How my wife picks them is by those that have a decor that she likes - it works!

    With the right attitude any trip is an enjoyable adventure, and I don't see this one being any different.


  3. #3
    PaulaWW Guest

    Default Thank you and oops!

    Dear AZ..thank you for your quick reply and I did not find it until I I did could not remember where I left the post originally so my apology for any repeat business....Nice web site by the way and I will gladly look into your advice...


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