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Thread: First trip tips

  1. #1
    swifttib Guest

    Default First trip tips

    Hey everyone!

    I am taking my first official long trip in two weeks. I am planning on driving from Jersey to upstate New york. I mapped out my trip but I am so stumped as to where the rest stops are. I know I am going to need to get fuel for my car, but I don't know where I'll be able to do that. The roads that I will be taking are 1-80W, I-380N, and I-81N. I was thinking I fill up my gas tank and then bring a gas can filled with about six gallons of gas so I can just stop and fill up my tank by myself. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to be stuck in the middle of the road with no fuel! Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Not likely to be a problem

    I am taking my first official long trip in two weeks. I am planning on driving from Jersey to upstate New york. I mapped out my trip but I am so stumped as to where the rest stops are. I know I am going to need to get fuel for my car, but I don't know where I'll be able to do that. The roads that I will be taking are 1-80W, I-380N, and I-81N. I was thinking I fill up my gas tank and then bring a gas can filled with about six gallons of gas so I can just stop and fill up my tank by myself. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of the road with no fuel! Thanks everyone.
    I doubt you can go more than 25 miles on any of those roads without going past a gas station, so worrying about carrying extra fuel seems a bit over-board to me.

    There is a pretty good online roadtrip planning program that will provide rest stop information for free for most of your route. Look at TravMatix for more infomation.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default No worries

    Like Mark said, there are plenty of gas stations along these routes. If you're still worried, you can buy a guide called "The Next Exit" available in every good truck stop. This book is a directory of services you can find at each interstate exit including gas stations, motels, attractions, etc.

    Have a great first trip!

  4. #4


    You should avoid carrying gasoline in/on your vehicle unless you absolutely need it when you are traveling far, far away from a gasoline station. I don't know what kind of vehicle you are driving and I don't know precisely where you are headed from/to, but I'd be surprised if you'll need to stop for gas more than twice. Cape May, NJ to Niagara Falls, NY is about 500 miles, which is easily within the two-tank range of most cars.

    If you are still nervous, I would suggest that when you see a gasoline station and you're worried about making it to the next one, just stop and fill up. It'll eat some extra time, but it'll give you peace of mind.

  5. #5
    danny g Guest


    I went from nyc to buffalo last august. There are gas stations everywhere. You will be alot safer without the can. You will fill up twicw at the most. My firend and i almost made it from nyc to maine on one tank. New york state is kind of boring. But maybe thats because I have seen it so many times.

  6. #6
    NY Joe Guest

    Default shouldn't be an issue

    Hi there-

    I've traveled a number of times from New Jersey back to upstate NY (where I live). On one of my more recent trips, I traveled from Princeton, NJ to Binghamton, NY - without having to stop. Had enough gas to continue onto Syracuse. Just fill up first, and you should be fine.


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