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  1. Default Guys Need Help!!

    So me and my friends won this all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii. But now (two weeks before our departure) the trip gets cancelled and we are left with nothing to do. We have all saved money (theres 3 of us) and have 10 days with nothing to do. So I was thinking that a road trip could be fun, but I kind of wanted to go to a beach. This would be our first time going on a road trip and I have no idea of where to go. Please if you have any suggestions We live in Dallas, Texas so anything good to see would be cool.

    - Thanks in advance, In desperate neet of some advice,


  2. Default

    I hear beaches in North Carolina are pretty nice...I haven't been there though...on my list. Otherwise, there's always Florida!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Pick a direction

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    With 10 days you really have quite a few options. If I had that time and was looking for a beach, I'd probably head east for the Florida panhandle, perhaps Panama City.

    But you'd have some other options too. 10 days could be enough time to zip out to Southern California, or you could head south and perhaps spend some time on South Padre Island, right there in Texas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default One Possible Direction

    With 10 days you do, indeed, have a multitude of choices. I've been to the Gulf Coast of Texas and both coasts of Florida, but I think my first recommendation would be to agree with GottaGo and head for the Outer Banks of North Carolina. These offer great beaches, both of the built-up and secluded varieties), history, ferry rides, nature preserves and night life in the cities at the northern and southern ends, and it's early enough in the season that you won't have to worry about hurricanes interrupting your vacation yet again. Also the drive from Dallas to the Carolina coast would take you through the heart of the South and let you experience some of the hospitality, history, charm and statliness for which that area is justifiably famous.


  5. Default

    I live in Dallas and I love the beach. South Texas is a bummer because the whole time you're there you're thinking "why the heck didn't I go to California?" I'm not saying you can't have fun because I have many times, I'm just saying if you have 10 days and money, why not see the ocean? There are countless beautiful beaches of all different varieties in Cali. I've never seen a sunset like the one I saw on Santa Monica Beach (well, except maybe Manly Beach in Australia). I really want to explore the NorCal and Oregon beaches but I doubt you would have time to really experience that in 10 days. The only east coast beaches I've seen are in the northeast so I really can't say, but I do prefer the color of the Pacific over the color of the Atlantic (although I think the color of the Caribbean is probably my favorite so far).
    As for southern comfort, I think it's overrated. I've met nice people everywhere I've been and I don't really like the feel of the deep south where they still have "white's only" signs above the bathrooms just for nostalgia's sake. And no offence to anyone from Mississippi, the state is gorgeous, but I find it to have a lingering smell.

    Man, I'm sure you'll have fun whatever you choose; it's going to be great.
    Last edited by AZBuck; 06-05-2006 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Good Neighbor Rules

  6. Default

    V-E-G-A-S then the beach in California or the other way around.....10 days would be too much time to spend in Vegas...unless you had unlimited financial resources & a strong liver. :)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Keithville, LA

    Default The Great Texas Road Trip

    Why don't you take a trip south to South Padre Island like Midwest Michael suggested and then head west to Big Bend? That way you'd see the biggest contrasts in environment that Texas has to offer.


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