Heading West from DC this Saturday after long flight from London. Looking for US50 hotel/motel about 1-2 hours from DC central (we're popping in to see stuff before heading back out again). Any ideas?
Heading West from DC this Saturday after long flight from London. Looking for US50 hotel/motel about 1-2 hours from DC central (we're popping in to see stuff before heading back out again). Any ideas?
I have stayed near Washington DC many times, but was always in the RV camps, so I don't have a suggestion for motels -- but hopefully, one of our Virginia-based roadtrippers will be along soon.Originally Posted by Paolo99
What does we're popping in to see stuff before heading back out again mean?
It means that I've been to DC five times and have no great desire to return. But my wife has never been. Since we're aiming to get to Frisco in 13 days I don't want to waste too much time in DC but figure we can see the White House and surroundings in an hour or two and then head West.
If you plan on driving, then 1-2 hours from central DC is pretty close to central DC, even on a Saturday. Then there are the inevitable parking problems and costs. I'm going to suggest that you read this thread about the preferability of using the Metro to get into and out of the city. Besides the obvious considerations of time and cost, also keep in mind that the Metro would allow you to do a one-way walk rather than have to walk back to your car. For instance, if you stayed overnight in the Vienna, VA area and then used the Orange Line into DC, you could get off at the Capitol South station, walk past the Supreme Court, the Capitol, the museums and monuments along the Mall, the White House, and then get back on the Metro at the McPherson Square station for your return to your car without having to retrace your steps. More info and maps on the DC Metro system can be found here.
And a bit of personal advice. I think your wife could do with more than a couple of hours here. Just because you've been there and done that does not mean that you should begrudge her the same opportunity. I'd plan on letting her have most of the day in DC, both she and the city deserve it. You can still depart in the early afternoon and be into West Virginia for your first night's stop without any problem.
Last edited by AZBuck; 05-10-2006 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Typos