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  1. Default Canada To Mexico

    Hi all

    I am just looking for any opinions / advise on little spin planned for this summer.

    Basically I will be traveling by bike from the Canadian border Maine to Mexican border Texas traveling south on the east coast along Route 1.
    I have arranged this to happen from mid august 2006 to early September.

    I have 3 weeks in total to complete everything.

    I will be looking to pick up a bike in Massachusetts (Boston) or New Hampshire, head to the border and drop back south through Maine, Massachusetts ,NY , etc etc. and then ditch the bike in Texas, probably Austin.
    Most likely I will detour the last leg of R1 and give the keys a miss and just head through Texas.
    I don’t plan on, but if necessary am prepared to do about 500-600 miles a day but I really want to do a fair bit less.

    I was planning on doing this on an up to Y2K jap 4 or Single trailee or if I manage to weasel a pay rise between now and then maybe a Beemer GS 1000

    What I am interested in hearing about any one who has tried a similar jaunt and info on bike prices and insurance details,, (European insurance run a mile when asked to insure me in the US.)
    Ditching the bike quick and for a half decent price when I get to my final destination. Hopefully enough to pay the air fair back up to Boston so I can get home.

    Is this a silly plan ???

    Your comments, insults, encouragment and ranting will be much appreciated

    PS Are the US customs / immigration as big a pain in the Arse between Canada and the US as they are between Europe and the US.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Using jet-powered assist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg123321
    Basically I will be traveling by bike from the Canadian border Maine to Mexican border Texas traveling south on the east coast along Route 1.
    Welcome to the Great American RoadTrip Forum! Oh, when I first read this -- I thought the was a pedal-powered bike (hence the title)...
    Most likely I will detour the last leg of R1 and give the keys a miss and just head through Texas. I don’t plan on, but if necessary am prepared to do about 500-600 miles a day but I really want to do a fair bit less.
    The size bike you have specified, would make a 500 mile day feel like 750 miles!
    What I am interested in hearing about any one who has tried a similar jaunt and info on bike prices and insurance details,, (European insurance run a mile when asked to insure me in the US.)
    Ditching the bike quick and for a half decent price when I get to my final destination.
    One of the Forum Members is an expert motorcyclist touring specialist and I would recommend you contact him for more information. His website can be viewed here.

    Happy Planning!


  3. Default Thanks Mark

    Riding anything bigger would be like sitting attop a fat pig... I have done conciderably longer distances in a shorter time on smaller bikes, bigger is rarely better... any way thanks for the advise..

  4. Default Cheers

    I dont suppose you know what the story with insurence in Massachusetts is ?
    I have heard horror stories about there being some kinda manditory state insurence that cost the best part of a grand ? lies ? damm lies ? or fact ?
    Last edited by Midwest Michael; 04-04-2006 at 07:51 AM. Reason: Moved to keep with current thread

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Insurance

    Most states require at least some basic liability insurance for a car (or motorcycle) to even be registered.

    Costs can vary significantly based upon the state, the age of the driver and his or her driving history, and the specific vehicle being used. If you are over 25, it generally is not too expensive for basic liability insurance, however if you don't have a US driving record, that could drive your costs up.

    Here is some information from the State of Mass Dept. of Insurance that may be helpful

  6. Default

    Thanks Michael

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