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  1. Default where to research????

    I'm very new to this and am planning our first RV trip this summer. We KNOW we are going from TX to ND. We want to make stops along the way up there, and we definately would love to venture over and hit Yellowstone. But what else is around there for us to see? How do I begin to find out what might be "in our path" so we don't miss something for lack of information. Thanks for all the help you can offer!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula

    Default Welcome!

    Greetings, blessedtexans, and welcome to the forums!

    I would suggest poking around here first. If you go to the first green bar above, you'll find a "search" button. You can put in Yellowstone and various other locations along your route and it will bring up posts about those areas. I'm sure you'll glean lots of good information there.

    Then head over to the "Site Directory" and "Roadtrip Planning" sections in the very top green bar. Lots of good stuff in there.

    You might also google the various states you'll be passing through for their tourism information, i.e. "wyoming tourism". This will bring you to the specific state websites. Most of these are fairly well done and full of great info. And you might also check out the official National Parks Service website for national parks information and this commercial website with lots of good information on these parks as well. These should give you more than enough information to get you started.

    I would suggest seeing the Grand Tetons and Cody, WY, a wild west type of town with lots of historic stuff from the Old West.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    I would suggest seeing the Grand Tetons and Cody, WY, a wild west type of town with lots of historic stuff from the Old West.

    this is GREAT info Judy! We are a homeschooling family, as well, and I would love for the kids to glean a little US history as well! Thank you so much!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default RTA is the "best" place to start

    Quote Originally Posted by blessedtexans
    I'm very new to this and am planning our first RV trip this summer.
    Melinda, are you renting a RV or do you now own one? We have some expert RV consultants who write articles each week about some of the issues you may be wondering about. To start out, I would suggest reading this article about the types of RVs that are available, the various forms of campgrounds, the pluses and minuses of renting RVs and THIS IS IMPORTANT read Mark Helmlinger's article about checking out RVs --


  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Editor
    Melinda, are you renting a RV or do you now own one? We have some expert RV consultants who write articles each week about some of the issues you may be wondering about. To start out, I would suggest reading this article about the types of RVs that are available, the various forms of campgrounds, the pluses and minuses of renting RVs and THIS IS IMPORTANT read Mark Helmlinger's article about checking out RVs --

    Mark, we ARE this is more great advice! The kids are in bed, so I'll be checking out all these links tonight! Thanks SO much!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default An alternative form of rental

    Quote Originally Posted by blessedtexans
    so I'll be checking out all these links tonight!
    It is a little pricey, but if you want an amazing RV rental vacation -- look at the services provided by our friends in Grand Junction -- basically, they arrange to get a well-maintained RV and organize your trip so you don't have to work too hard. What sets this outfitter apart -- is that focus on all members of the family and provide routes that address all of the interests.


  7. #7

    Default Another Place to Look

    Some of my favorite places to go when planning a trip (of course, besides Roadtrip America) include:
    Roadside America where you will find some unusual stops,
    America's Byways (where you can get a free map listing US scenic roads)
    Road Trip USA (if you are interested in America's major backroads)
    National Traffic & Road Closure Information - a state by state road info website run by the US Department of Transportation,
    Country Discoveries (A magazine that is written by its readers & divided into sections of the country) pretty much what its name implies,
    Road Food (If you want to get away from the fast food restaurants,
    And, if you are interested in Museums, Museums USA.

    Don't forget to do a Google search on any of the towns you will be driving through to find out what else is happening.

  8. Default Motorhomes

    We've had a motorhome for the last 13 years, so if you have any questions, please ask. We also rented one and have been camping for almost 30 years.

    If you want to go to Yellowstone, there are several great routes you can take by other great National Parks, like Mesa Verde in Colorado, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park and Dinosuar National Monument in Utah. All educational in their own way.


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