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  1. Default What road trip should we do this summer?

    Hi everyone,

    We're in Utah and considering maybe doing one road trip this summer. We've done a lot of traveling these past few months but are looking to maybe fit in one more this summer!

    Last summer, we visited 11 states. Flew to Las Vegas and San Francisco, and then drove to Seattle, Portland, Yellowstone via Idaho and then Wyoming on the way back, the southern Utah parks and eastern Utah Moab area parks, Grand Canyon, Phoenix, and the four corners.

    Between Christmas and New Years, we went to Los Angeles -- via Nevada and Sacramento on the way there, via Las Vegas on the way back.

    If we can only do one road trip this summer, what would you suggest? How about two suggestions: one if we can travel far in the US/Canada, one if we can't go too far (max driving time 20-22 hours ish for the short one? one way).

    Thanks! :)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default More info?

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    Its kind of hard to narrow down any options without knowing what sort of things you're interested and what kind of timetable you have.

    That said, I'd head east since you seem to have traveled west on your previous trips. I'd say Colorado for a short trip, The Dakotas for a medium length trip, and all the way to the Atlantic if you've got lots of time to work with. Just to throw a few options out there.

  3. Default

    Far trip: Jasper and Banff National Parks in Canada

    Close: I'll second Colorado and even New Mexico.


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