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  1. #1
    Callie Query Guest

    Default Road Trip - Summer 2001

    I am graduating from college in May of 2001 and am planning a three month road trip across the United States. I'm still in the planning stages, but I want to do a wide circle-tour, camping, staying with friends/relatives, and in hostels. I have some individuals who might travel with me for some of the time but it'd be nice to have someone to count on for the entire trip. I really want to do this, but don't feel comfortable going alone unless I was staying in motels all the time which I can't afford. At this point I'm not sure if my car will make it across country, but I have a chunk of money set aside for expenses and have places to stay in various cities for free: Boston, Atlanta, St. Petersburg, LA, San Francisco, Chicago. If you are interested in any part of this proposed trip, e-mail me and we'll chat.

  2. #2
    Marianne Guest

    Default Crosscountry alone

    I am a twenty-one year old female who just graduated from college who is determined to travel the U.S. I have always wanted to go cross country, but somehow my partners have all backed out on me or the timing is not right. I probably will not bring my car. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

  3. #3
    Marianne Guest

    Default Crosscountry alone

    I am a twenty-one year old female who just graduated from college who is determined to travel the U.S.. I have always wanted to go cross country, but somehow my partners have all backed out on me or the timing is not right. I probably will not bring my car. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

  4. #4
    Callie Query Guest

    Default Crosscountry alone

    Check out the following:

    Road Trip USA - Probably mentioned somewhere else on this site, this book is amazingly detailed. It outlines routes (backroads) and attractions. I've really enjoyed reading it.

    The Distance To the Moon - As for traveling alone, I would reccomend this book. This guy (he's 50) commisions Porsche to allow him to drive a Boxster across the country. It has some stuff about American's fascination with cars (something I didn't think I'd care about but found quite interesting) but he also talks about the places he goes and the people he meets.

    I don't know what kind of money you have, but if you're just graduating from college probably not a lot. Check out the American Youth Hostels webpage: for cheap places to stay in a lot of the bigger cities.

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I'm in the process of planning my trip too and if you (or anyone else) has any helpful hints or suggestions, let me know.

  5. #5
    brian straub Guest

    Default response to your post

    I saw your post on the board and yours is the closest I've found to what I'm doing. I'm a 30 year old male in Baltimore,MD. I am planning a roadtrip this summer from the end of May until whenever (most likely ending in Seattle in early August). All of my potential (and only temporary) partners have bailed (most because of summer school). I plan to go through a lot of the northwest. I plan to camp. stay with relatives/friends and in hostels. I have a very reliable car (camry). I'd like to chat to see if maybe we'd be compatible. I plan to go to some blugrass festivals (hopefully my music tastes won't scare you), do some hiking, writing, photography and anything else that comes along. Please email me at the above address me if you're interested in talking it over. I hope to hear from you, Brian.

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