The Phoenix One Journals Stories from the dawn of RoadTrip America
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Storm Troupers
El Niño is finally performing to predicted levels, which means nomads are wise to consider hibernation in places free of mud slides, tornadoes and flash floods. We're in the hills of Pasadena, California, where six inches of rain fell yesterday afternoon, turning the canyons into rivers. Today the sky is blue, and in the distance Catalina Island's two peaks break the horizon. The storms may be violent here, but the pay-off is glorious.
While we're relatively immobile, we're enjoying the opportunity to write and to plan for the future. We'll share the results with you soon, a book and an exciting new project.
Meanwhile, RoadTrip AmericaT® is still on the move! Even though we're temporarily based in Pasadena, we venture forth each week to bring you new discoveries, trains in Tehachapi, for example, and palm oases in the Indian canyons of Palm Springs.
Yours from the road,