RoadTrip America

Routes, Planning, & Inspiration for Your North American Road Trip

Megan Edwards


Megan Edwards is co-founder of RoadTrip She is the author of Roads from the Ashes, the story of RoadTrip America's evolution from its beginning in a California wildfire. Megan has always been "an idea person." Not all of her ideas are practical or achievable, but many aren't bad, like the idea to put RoadTrip America on the Web back in February, 1996.


Megan spent her childhood on the move, which is probably why she has a terminal case of wanderlust. She holds a B.A. from Scripps College in classics and an M.A. from Claremont Graduate University. During her fifteen-year career as a teacher and school principal, she lived and worked in Germany, Greece, California, Texas, and Nevada. Currently, Megan spends most of her time in Las Vegas, where, in addition to her work for RoadTrip America, she writes novels and is executive editor of Living Las Vegas, a website dedicated to “Real Life in the Shadow of the Strip.”


While she never took a road trip she didn't like, Megan is particularly fond of hitting the road solo every once in a while. "It's a great way to get fresh perspectives, and it always gives my confidence and creativity a huge boost," she says. "If you're feeling stuck, start driving!"

Megan is the author of Getting off on Frank Sinatra, Full Service Blonde, and Strings: A Love Story.


Contact Megan.

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