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  1. Default Chicago to Boston...basic 411 please?

    First off, hows everyone doing and thanks for taking the time to read this. Anyway, Im primarily new to planning a roadtrip (ive taken---never planned) but IM planning to visit my friend who graduates from BU this year in March say 23-28th around there. All i basically have is the directions lol...i was just wondering if people knew where i could find good information on about how much gas id use(spend on) or good **Cheap** car rental places...i should be splitting it between 2 other people (3 in total). also if u have any ideas on cheap fun things to do in boston/NYC thatd be awesome too...Open to any and ALL suggestions...Oh and if ur reading this and have ever been to europe please look @ my post in the offshores road trip thinking big :)

    Thanks again

    C U @ B U

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Québec, Montreal, Arizona, California, France

    Default Cheap tricks

    Hi Cu @ Bu
    Welcome to the RoadTrip America Forum!

    i was just wondering if people knew where i could find good information on about how much gas id use(spend on)
    We have just the right tool for you : a fuel calculator.

    also if u have any ideas on cheap fun things to do in boston/NYC thatd be awesome too...Open to any and ALL suggestions...
    How about some tips on how to save money on the road? There were some similar theads posted in the past about that topic, you can view some of them at the bottom of this page. Here's a post about cheap lodging in NYC. You can use the search function to find more specific information.

    Have a fun trip!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default New York and Boston Cheap Tricks

    Just a few random things that I know of ....

    In New York:

    The Staten Island Ferry is FREE - You can't get much cheaper than that and you'll get great views of lower Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, etc.

    There is a great little theatre in the Village (I think) called the Thirteenth Street Theatre. It's about as low cost an evening of New York Theatre as you're likely to get, and at least the last time I was there (too many years ago) they gave free beer to the audience and encouraged audience participation in the melodrama being presented.

    Central Park - again FREE

    While it seems a bit incongruous in New York City, the National Museum of the American Indian is part of the Smithsonian and is FREE

    In Boston:

    The best way to discover Boston is to walk the Freedom Trail. The walk itself is FREE, of course, as are many of the sights along it such as the Commons, the State House (complete with guided tours), Faneuil Hall (a market with historical talks every half hour), USS Constitution (Old Ironsides, FREE guided tours).

    Not quite free, but pretty close - The Paul Revere House ($2.50) and Old North Church ("One if by land and two if by sea....", Donations).

    You get the idea.


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