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  1. #1

    Default Wyoming Road Trip Ideas

    I am just beginning to plan a road trip through Wyoming. On my list so far are: Yellowstone/Grand Tetons (of course), Wind Canyon, Superior (my great grandfather worked at the mines there), and possibly Devil's Tower. I am welcome to other suggestions as well as suggested routes. I have not decided on the time but probably around one week. (So is Devil's Tower too far out of the way?) I will fly in whatever is convenient and rent a SUV. Also, I do not have a set date, except summer or early fall. I am afraid of winter driving much later than that. I am a Floridian, er, a transplanted Ohioan 12 years ago :) Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default There's Never Enough Time

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    To truly give Yellowstone and the Tetons their due, a week is just enough time to get started. However, even 4-5 days is sufficient to get a real taste of what they have to offer and is certainly better than nothing. I've been to them for a number of short (few days each time) trips in different seasons, and I know I still need to get back to explore some more. I will say that you have chosen perhaps the best time of year for your trip. The crowds will have thinned out considerably, the animals will be active getting fattened up for winter, and the coolness will make for some great hiking.

    If you're going to head down to Superior to look into family history, then I think you will have to put off a visit to Devil's Tower until another time, the two side trips are just too far from each other to be comfortably included in the same itinerary. You could, however, include some time at Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. By all means I encourage you to look into your past, it can often turn up surprises and is always a rewarding activity. Superior is now pretty much a ghost town, so be ready to also check out the county seat (Green River) for any records that they might have.


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