Me and a friend will be turning 21 this July and when another friend proposed going to the US for the summer our overly ambitious imaginations soon went to work.
Immediately my childhood ambition to go from NY to LA came into the forefront. My friend had proposed going from D.C. to NY he has a girlfriend in Washington and has basically already come up with a plan for that part of the journey.
So I quickly flipped it around and thought LA to NY, I've read the posts of other people who have thought about this trip but there are some specifics that I wanted to clear up. It looks like its gonna be me and my other soon to be 21 year old friend doing the LA to Washington part, as I'm the only one with a drivers license and there's no way I fancy doing all that driving we're considering getting a 30 day greyhound discovery pass (we're almost certain on taking a month to get to D.C. from the day we leave LA). Is Greyhounding gonna be a real chore? I may consider the freedom of a car if there are lots of horror stories, but like I said driving it all on my own doesn't sound appealing.
The other thing is routes (where to visit):
We're certain of these bits
LA - Vegas
Louisiana - Miss - Alabama - Georgia
the different options from Vegas to Louisiana are:
- Arizona - New Mexico - Texas -
or - Utah - Colorado - (then do a long jut back down to see the south)
Getting from Georgia to Washington we're not really sure of, I'd love to go through Tenessee then maybe take a long drive direct to Washington, but that means cutting back a little .... any other suggested routes??
I think for the D.C. to NY bit we're going to go D.C. - Philli - Atlantic City - NY (Another 18 odd days but that includes a longer stay in D.C.).
We're gonna be travelling very cheap, but that's no problem, I've been in the army so roughing it is something I'm used to. Was just wondering if there were any glaring holes\suggestions to our plan etc. it's in the extreme preliminary stages but I'm already crazily excited.