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Thread: NY to WA!

  1. Default NY to WA!

    My fiance and I are making the move from here (the border of NY/MA) to the Seattle area. We're probably leaving around the 6th or 7th of January and hope to be in Seattle by around the 12th or earlier.
    Has anybody made this trip, or one similar, in the winter? We're planning on hitting I-90 and not doing a lot of sight-seeing on the way... just concerned about road conditions and places/passes we may want to avoid.

    If you have any suggestions or cautions, I would appreciate hearing them!

    Thanks :)

  2. #2
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default For the Speed-Run

    Stick with I-90. Snoqualmie Pass should be open now, but you should always check ahead of time. Try calling 511 when you hit Moses Lake, WA. If it says its closed, check the conditions on US 2 Stevens Pass. If that looks better, take the exit at George, WA to Quincy, and Follow the signs to Wenatchee and US 2.

    I-90 will be your best bet though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Be Prepared

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    I've made many winter trips, and you must always be ready to adjust your plans to reflect the realities on the ground. I-90 is the major transcontinental route across the northern US and will be as well maintained as any road you could possibly use, but as Brad points out, is not guaranteed to be open 24/7 in the northwest (or in the midwest or on the northern plains for that matter). Keep an eye on the forecasts and don't muleheadedly push on into worsening weather just to try to keep on schedule. Better late than never!

    And for some hard earned knowledge check here.


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