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  1. #1
    Girish Guest

    Default NYC - Washington DC (Minimum Time)

    First of all - Happy Holidays!

    I am in New York for 5 nights for the first time and would like to go see Washington DC during the time. I checked the distance was about 200 miles. Can anyone please let me know the driving time? I am staying in Manhattan.

    I wanted to go in the morning, look around and come back the same day. Is this possible? I don't want to stay overnight in Washington as this would not only involve hotel costs but would cut into my NYC time. Moreover, I believe many tours like the White House one are closed to public due to security reasons. I think 3-5 hours in Washington should be enough to just go thru the major attractions and get a photo in front of the White House :-)

    One more thing - I am under 25 and avis said that under 25 renter's aren't allowed in Washington. Could I just rent the car in NJ and leave it back with them? How will they know where I went?




  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Every inch is known

    Quote Originally Posted by Girish
    I am in New York for 5 nights for the first time and would like to go see Washington DC during the time. I checked the distance was about 200 miles. Can anyone please let me know the driving time? I am staying in Manhattan.
    Welcome to the Forum!

    Given the restrictions of your rental contract -- perhaps you should consider taking the train?
    How will they know where I went?
    Virtually every rental car in America has a GPS transponder in it. Believe me, they will know where your car is at every single moment.
    I think 3-5 hours in Washington should be enough to just go thru the major attractions and get a photo in front of the White House
    3-5 DAYS would be closer to the truth. Three hours is very short -- one thing I would suggest is to get a copy of "Washington Schlepped Here" by Christopher Buckley and listen to the audio version on your way south -- it might help you organize your time.

    Happy Holidays to you too.


  3. #3
    mudshark Guest


    Taking the train is a good way to bypass traffic (and it's faster), true, but can be expensive.

    Must-sees in a whirlwind tour of DC:
    1. Pick one of the Smithsonian museums, but be prepared to wait in a short line at the door at the Natural History Museum or the Air and Space Museum. There's no admission fee, but there are bag checks.

    It takes more than a day to do all of the Smithsonian museums (or even to do one really well). My personal favorites are the Natural History and the Air and Space Museums.

    2. The WWII Memorial. This is the new memorial and it is very beautiful (and big!).

    3. The Vietnam War Memorial (the wall).

    If you want, you could also visit the Lincoln Memorial (near the Vietnam Memorial) or the Korean War Memorial.

    If you felt like spending a little more time, Arlington National Cemetery is very beautiful and peaceful, and I would definitely recommend it.

  4. #4
    Girish Guest



    I'd take the bus or train. I thought of the car first coz it'd give me transportation within washington and a place to sleep at night if required! ... no just kidding.

    Ya its got to be a whirlwind tour as I have just 5 days in NY and its being my fav city its deserves atleast 4 of them.

    I had planned to see Lincoln & Korean Memorials, White House from outside (photo op.), US Capitol, Supreme Court & Arlington Cemetery.

    Did I miss anything? - factoring in the time shortage.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Washington state coast/Olympic Peninsula


    Quote Originally Posted by Girish
    I had planned to see Lincoln & Korean Memorials, White House from outside (photo op.), US Capitol, Supreme Court & Arlington Cemetery.
    In 3-5 hours??????

    If you could take your rental car, and it sounds like that's not possible, you could drive past all of these in about 3-5 hours. But getting out and walking around and really seeing them? Not a chance.

    To be honest, I think you should concentrate on NYC and, if you have a bit of extra time, choose sites closer to NYC to explore rather than going to DC. I'm not familiar with that area but, it seems to me, a day driving out to Long Island, or the Hamptons, or up the Hudson would be better than trying to squeeze in DC. Even a short trip to Philadelphia would make more sense. It's only about 1/2 the distance and has a lot of neat things to see and do.

    We were in DC for 5 days, got up at the crack of dawn each day, stayed out late each night, and still only saw a smidgen of what we wanted to see.

  6. #6
    Girish Guest


    I did lengthen my trip to washington to 2 days after reading the above replies. Cutting 1 day in NY and extending the trip by 1.
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 12-15-2005 at 10:02 AM. Reason: format

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Default no regrets

    you won't have any regrets for lengthening the Washington DC days. It is a beautiful city with so much to see that is "Free" ! I agree with other posts. It takes a day for EACH Smithsonian. I've done two in a day as a rush-rush through each, but that's a full day. The walking between memorials & statues, White House, etc. can take a whole day with very sore calves by the end of it. The subway is a great way to get around the city, but you will be spending your two days in "the mall" which is just a lot of walking.Enjoy.p.s. - in NYC I recommend "New York Party Shuttle" for a bus tour. Great guide / great guided tour / lots of fun. It will give you the highlights and then you can always go back to see some areas by subway.Have fun.

  8. #8
    Girish Guest


    Thanks. I like the idea about that NY party shuttle. Does it take you happening bars, clubs etc? Will do that. Also saw a chopper ride for $68. Might be fun.

    To my dismay I just found that the journey from SF to Vegas is a long one coz it goes thru bakersfield. Must find a shorter route. I'll post another thread about this.

  9. Default

    3-5 Hrs is rather short for being in DC but you can see enough to be happy. Sounds like your young like me and just want the basics. I'd definately take the train over driving. Keep in mind back east there are several Bridge tolls as well as gas. I'm guessing it would be only $20-$40 more to take the train over driving which is definately worth eliminating almost all hassle of the trip. I hope you don't mind walking. Arriving at Union Station I'd walk the national mall starting at the Capitol Building, White House, WWII Memorial, & Lincoln Memorial. It is a great walk and you can see some really cool stuff. Ending at the Lincoln Memorial I'd hop in a taxi back to union station. One last thing to keep in mind is stay clear of certain areas after dark. Washington isn't the safest place in the world.

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