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Thread: US 50 Road trip

  1. Default US 50 Road trip

    My brother and I are planning to leave from Dulles on June 10th, 2006. We are going to take US 50 all the way to San Francisco. I have read Jamie Jensen's book and cannot wait to do this.

    We have done cross country trips before, but on the interstates. The plan is to drive go from 6am to 6pm each day stopping at as many points as possible. Approxamately how long (as in days) will it take to get to San fran? We are flying back, as my brother has responsibilities with work (i am a teacher and have the entire summer).

    Any tips and places of interest would be appreciated as well.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default Time, Time, Time

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    If you did nothing but drive (no stopping for sights along the way, and only stopping to refuel) by way of the shortest Interstate route (I-80), this trip might be done in as little as 4 days with two drivers. On the other hand, if you were really to stick to US-50 all the way, spend 4 hours a day "stopping at as many points as possible" and having sit-down meals, it would take more like 10-11 days, and really, there is limit to the time you could spend. Hope that helps give you an idea of how you might have to budget your days on the road.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A grain of salt...

    Quote Originally Posted by joeptc
    I have read Jamie Jensen's book and cannot wait to do this.
    Sounds like an excellent adventure! Jamie's book is a classic in the roadtrip lore collection -- just remember to use the book "with broad strokes" -- the material has not been updated in years and much of it is out of date. We keep tabs on the best of the best in terms of road trip guides and you might wish to avail yourself of some of the newer titles.

    Like AZBuck has said -- estimating time on the entire route is tricky -- but on the eastern sections of the country, I would be surprised if you can attain average speeds in excess of about 48 mph over a day's worth of driving (Even though you will attain near Interstate-highway-speeds for parts of the day). And in the west that over-all average will probably not exceed 53 mph -- if that gives you a measure of the magnitude of the adventure challenge you have before you. It will be an awesome trip!


  4. Default Thanks

    Thank for the info. It is helpful. We had planned about 2 weeks for this trip. So 10-11 days sounds like it should fit. Again, it all depends whether or not my brother has to get back to work.

    We do plan on sticking to US-50 as much as possible.

    Our next task is to find a good rental car for a decent price...this has proven to be more difficult than it sounded originally. What is a good car to deive across the counrty? My brother and I are both about 6'3" and would like some leg room.

    Again, thanks for the help.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default You're Welcome

    We aim to please - glad we could be of help.

    For my part (I'm also 6'3""), I usually rent 'intermediate' sedans as the best compromise between interior space and cost. I occasionally get lucky and arrive at the counter to find that they have none left and will get a free upgrade to the next size for no additional charge, but don't count on it.


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