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  1. #1
    ashroon Guest

    Default NY to CA in January...

    Four friends and I will be taking a road trip in the beginning of January from a suburb above NYC to San Diego, CA because we are moving for a year or so. Each of us are driving our cars out there and would like to take our time. Since one of my friends drives a 1991 Le Baron we want to take our time to make sure all the cars make it: about 6-7 days.
    Does anyone have tips on this winter-time road trip? What highways would be best to travel at that time? Is it too cold to camp out in Texas/New Mexico/Arizona? Any cool things to see along the way?


  2. #2
    urtod Guest

    Default Going and coming

    Hi Ashley,

    Looks as though you and I will be nearly passing one another! :)

    I’m afraid that I have not really seen anything west of Las Vegas or south of Santa Barbara (yet), so I can’t recommend specifics or good places to visit. However, I can advise you as to the kinds of preparations that my husband and I will be taking for our move from WA to PA:

    First, if you are taking the wagon-train method, I DEFINITELY recommend that each car have a two-way radio, and plenty of extra AA batteries. These little hand-held radios make life SOOO much easier when you are traveling with more than one vehicle. Make sure everyone knows how to use the radios, and how to “step up” a channel in case you get someone else’s traffic and need clear air space.

    Second, emergency supplies are a must. Have plenty of extra, non-perishable food, clean water, and warm clothes, blankets, and/or sleeping bags. They really can make all the difference. Make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit. Also, road-side-emergency kits are handy if you don’t already have a stock of flares and the like. Cell phones are handy, but there's no guarantees of when you'll be in range.

    Third, make sure all vehicles have been serviced before you hit the road, and come with a spare tire, if not spare windshield wipers and belts (it’s way lame to drive with wipers that are all wiped-out). Try not to let your tanks get below half-full, and be prepared for cold driving conditions.

    Also, it might be really handy to have a CB in at least one vehicle – our neighbors (who travel cross-country regularly) said that they have received help from truckers soooo many times… for instance, truckers will likely know before anyone else which roads are closed, which roads are good detours, and which roads are unsafe.

    Hmmm… I’ll think some more, there might be some other ideas in my brain, but I’m sort of on brain-overload these days preparing for my move!

    Best of luck with your travels!


  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    With cars that might threaten to break down, it's best to stick with the interstates. And like Urtod said, get them inspected and serviced prior to departure.

    Make sure you keep some winter weather emergency gear, blankets (fabric or foil emergency blankets), shovel, brush, ice scraper, food, water, etc. in the car for the trip.

    Take a look at the "CB RADIO (handheld)" thread under GEAR UP, as it has quite a range of discussion on radios, radio issues, pros and cons, etc. If you're looking at simple two-ways, be sure to read the package and purchase only FRS class radios, and not GMRS or GMRS/FRS dual class. GMRS requires a no-test license, meaning all you do is send the FCC a form and a check, and they send you a license that extends to your immediate family. FRS class does not require a license, but operates on far lower power, so you'll only have 1-3 miles LOS (line of sight) trancieving capability.

    I personally recommend the CB as well, but make sure you get aquainted with the rules and regs that go along with it (most CB's are sold with a quick reference to FCC guidelines).

    It's not to cold to camp (well, except this week) in Arizona... of course I do mean the Desert areas of AZ, as in south of Prescott/Flagstaff/Snowflake/Kingman, etc... you will most likely encounter a flurry or two of the white stuff, or see it neatly piled along the side of the road near Flagstaff, but if you hit the southern portion of the state on a warm week, you'll just need a thick sleeping bag, some extra blankets, and a good heater. Technically its never too cold to camp (as I have stupidly bared a very shivery night in Northern Idaho, awaking to snow), but there are certain gear needed for winter camping.

    Good luck, and we'll see you on the road!

    Brad M.

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