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  1. #1
    RoadTripper Brad Guest

    Default An Arizona Adventure

    Okay, my boss at work handed down some new vacation guidelines for members of the management team, and well, also decided to extend that to the 2 Administrative Assistants, since we can't both be off at the same time. SO, I have to declare, if I want, my 7 day block of time off now. I definately want to. Usually when I take a week off, I pack my bags and head on over to Sky Harbor to fly up to Central Washington to visit family/friends. This year, I can't afford airline tickets, mainly because in order to get a good price, I have to buy them well in advance. So, here's my idea. Rather than deal with the hassles of airline tickets and flights and such, just taking a roadtrip... my first leisure trip. No speed run, just moseying along the road. A week, the state of Arizona, and a few months to save up for it.

    Here's the details: I plan to take July 17-21, in adition to the 24th off. The weekends are already included, so the total time frame would be July 15 through July 24 (being I have to be back in Phoenix that last day).
    My 'rendezvouz': An SCA event in Flagstaff, called the Highland War. It runs from the late evening Friday the 21st through early morning on Monday the 24th. It is a camping event, and consists of both a medival war, merchants row, and etc. Last year it was held at Fort Tuthil, just outside Flagstaff. It is great fun!

    My roommate won't know if he will be able to get that much time off, or even that weekend off, until later, so right now I am planning it solo.

    So I know where I want to end up, but I'm not sure exactly how I want to get there. I definately want to run Old 66 between Topock and Ash Fork. I haven't been to Lake Havasu and the London Bridge since I was 5, so I wouldn't mind seeing that. Being that so far my plans put me near Ash Fork and AZ 89, I was thinking taking a detour south to Prescott, and then up the Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff and ending up at my final destination there. But, then again, the Grand Canyon is right up the road the oposite direction.

    I want to do this as inexpensive as possible, so I don't want to spend much in the way of lodging, and at this moment, the only camping gear I have is a tent. I somewhat plan on staying at a Motel 6 or something for the first night in Kingman. If anyone knows of any state/county/federal camp grounds near prescott/sedona, etc. that aren't too packed, too expensive, and have plenty of tall stand Pines (I can't camp without trees).

    I was also considering camping a few days, even solo, near Mormon Lake, just to take my mind off of everything.

    Right now, even with the 'changes' Ive made in writing this, here's my plan:
    Day 1: Phoenix to Kingman via US 60, AZ 72, AZ 95, Rte 66. (Motel)
    Day 2: Kingman to Prescott via Rte 66, AZ 89. (Motel)
    Day 3: Prescott to Mormon Lake via AZ 89A and FH3

    Thats all I have so far. I'm new to "leisure" trips, so trying to plan legs based on also stopping and seing stuff versus just driving directly is somewhat out of my expertise.

    Mark, Bob, Buck or Anyone have any suggestions on changes to the route, must-see's, or anyone in the area want to make a Rendezvouz out of the Highland War in Flagstaff, let me know what you have to say.

    Thanks for your help guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default A call to arms!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cascadia4-brad m
    ...or anyone in the area want to make a Rendezvouz out of the Highland War in Flagstaff,
    Brad, it sounds kind of fun. I will have to check the calendar and see if there is anyway I can meet you there.


  3. #3
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    It appears I may have unleashed a beast... well, if you can fit it in, and want to look the part, an online company that I use has a 'first timers special' that will set you up with medieval style tunic, trousers, and a belt for quite cheap. They also have much more extended types of clothing. As it is, one of the things I have to budget is getting a monks robe and a good woolen cape.
    here's the link to their site:
    I put it here just incase anyone wants to come out there and wants to get into the 'full experience.'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Another trippin' resource

    Quote Originally Posted by Cascadia4-brad m
    Right now, even with the 'changes' Ive made in writing this, here's my plan:
    Day 1: Phoenix to Kingman via US 60, AZ 72, AZ 95, Rte 66. (Motel)
    Day 2: Kingman to Prescott via Rte 66, AZ 89. (Motel)
    Day 3: Prescott to Mormon Lake via AZ 89A and FH3
    Brad, there is another resource (beyond the expertise of Buck and Bob) that you ought to consider. Gerald Thurman (Tempe) is an Uber roadtripper and has driven all of those roads several times. A list of his field reports is available here and you might want to contact him for additional ideas.


  5. Default Gerald...

    makes the rest of us look like couch potatoes! He's ALWAYS on the road. I get green just thinking about it. Bob

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Aint that the truth!

    Quote Originally Posted by Moderator Bob
    makes the rest of us look like couch potatoes! He's ALWAYS on the road. I get green just thinking about it.
    It is hard to imagine how he finds the time with his work schedule -- his next planned wander is a 2-day/1-night roadtrip to Tombstone, Bisbee, Douglas, Geronimo's Surrender Memorial, Willcox, Benson, & "The Thing" -- in short, my old stomping ground.


  7. #7
    RoadTripper Brad Guest


    Just looking at the list of his exploits makes me wish I didn't have to work for a living to catch up. Alas... that can't happen. Well, I've decided to play it smart and plan my trip in two separate parts, Part A and the ever popular Part B. Plan A includes Lk Havasu, Rte 66, and such. Part B is if I can't afford to do the whole loop, it would just consist of 3 days camping at the one reservable campground near mormon lake, 1 night in a motel in Flagstaff, 2 nights camping at the Highlands War, 1 night motel in Flagstaff, leaving for Phoenix monday morning. This way, I can have the part I know I can do all set up and reserved, and the part I might not be able to do.

    Part A:
    Day 1 (July 15) Phoenix to Kingman
    Day 2 (July 16) Kingman to Prescott (probably camping that night)
    Day 3 (July 17) Prescott to Flagstaff via Oak Creek Canyon

    Part B:
    Day 1 (3) (July 17) Phoenix to Campground at Mormon Lake
    Day 2 (4) (July 18) Camping
    Day 3 (5) (July 19) Camping
    Day 4 (6) (July 20) Motel in Flagstaff
    Day 5 (7) (July 21) Camping at SCA Event
    Day 6 (8) (July 22) Camping at SCA Event
    Day 7 (9) (July 23) Motel in Flagstaff
    Day 8 (10) (July 24) Return to PHX

    I'll keep you all in the loop.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default More for you to consider

    Just some stray thoughts on that region of Arizona. Another place you may want to just poke around is Jerome. And don't pass up Tuzigoot National Monument while you're in Cottonwood. Be sure to check and see if there will be any Ranger Talks while you're there. My favorite stop in Prescott was the Sharlot Hall Museum, in particular, their living history exhibits. And if you haven't been there yet, Walnut Canyon National Monument just east of Flag is definitely worth the side trip.

    Davis Dam is no longer allowing traffic or tours. It's a shame, and I don't know what else to tell you to see before it gets closed forever. My own personal list of things done that are now illegal or prohibited seems to grow longer with each passing year. (Flight into the Grand Canyon, climbing into the Statue of Liberty's crown, walking the stairs of the Washington Monument, putting my finger in the crack of the Liberty Bell - I guess I'm just becoming an anachronism myself.)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Davis Dam

    Quote Originally Posted by AZBuck
    Davis Dam is no longer allowing traffic or tours. It's a shame,
    Buck, I had no idea it had been closed -- it is one of those places I always intended to go and check out... but somehow, never found the time. Yeah, that is a bummer.


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