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  1. #1
    msmith1977 Guest

    Default Maine to Arizona Fast

    Hi, I'm driving from Maine to Arizona next week and was wondering if some of you had any advice. I've never taken a trip like this before. I'm drving with my two dogs. I'm thinking of taking Rt 95 South to Rt 40 West. Simple and without snow for the most part (hopefully). Any cool places that I should make a quick stop at that aren't too far off the trail? Any advice on how to do this? Thanks.!

  2. Default How fast?

    The best roadtrip advice I can give anyone is take your time and enjoy it (don't let yourself get pressured). Speed runs are fun for some of us, but a more relaxed style can be infinitely more rewarding, no matter what your interests.

    Along your chosen route, you could make a visit to the Great Smoky Mountains, Nashville, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Santa Fe or even the Grand Canyon is only a few hours off your route including visiting time. Take your pick! Of course there are many other attractions as well.

    Enjoy your trip! Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default Don't forget the Double Six

    Depending upon how much time you have, get off the interstate, and get on Route 66 which will be running alongside the interstate on I-40.

    Check out the Big Texan, home of the original free 72 ounce free steak (if you can eat in in one sitting) in Amarillo and Cadillac Ranch to the west of it. At the Texas-NM border, visit the ghost town of Glen Rio, but you can't stay at the Last Motel in Texas anymore. You can see first-hand what the interstate can do to a small town.

    Once in New Mexico, its "Tucaumcari Tonight". Check out the Rt 66 statue of the tailfins and buy some curios/souvenirs at the Tee Pee.
    There are many motels, but if they let dogs stay, you definitely want to spend the night at the Blue Swallow Motel. It has just reopened and has been restored to its former glory. It's an experience you won't forget and you'll love that great old neon sign.

    RoadDog "Keep on Down that Twolane Highway."
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 11-24-2005 at 09:03 AM. Reason: Added an Image -- Editor

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