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  1. #1
    java trip Guest

    Default Seattle to Minneapolis in December?


    I want to drive to Minneapolis from Seattle, arriving in Minneapolis around Dec. 15. I will commence my return trip to Seattle Dec. 28/29, and am hoping to be back in Seattle before the new year.

    I am concerned that weather in the Rocky Mountains could make this impossible. Is it reasonable to take this road trip alone and take the northern route? Or, should I suck it up and take the train? I'd rather drive!

    Also, what is a resonable timeframe to expect to make this drive in the winter. I've made the trip in the summer, but I'm envisioning a much different experience this time around. I have a Volvo 840 Wagon that is in great condition with FWD and ABS.

    Thanks for all your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tucson, AZ

    Default It all depends

    Welcome aboard the RoadTrip America forum.

    The short answer to all your questions is, naturally, that it depends on the weather. Surely it is possible to make the trip by car, people do it all winter long, and the Volvo is a good winter car. (It's Swedish after all.) You will, however, have to keep a close eye on the sky, and not just in the Rockies. The northern plains can be subjected to white-out blizzard conditions as well. Since you've done this trip before, you know how long it takes you under good weather conditions. I'd budget an extra day (or two if the forecast looks bad) for the trip in winter and then play it by ear as I went along. But by all means avoid the impulse to push on through bad weather and just pull up for the time it takes any storm to pass and for the road crews to clean the highway. Remember, the Interstates are some of the first roads cleared. As the time for your trip draws near, check here for weather and road condition updates, and keep tuned in to local and regional reports as you progress.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default It is done hundreds of times every day

    Quote Originally Posted by java trip
    I want to drive to Minneapolis from Seattle, arriving in Minneapolis around Dec. 15. I will commence my return trip to Seattle Dec. 28/29, and am hoping to be back in Seattle before the new year.

    I am concerned that weather in the Rocky Mountains could make this impossible. Is it reasonable to take this road trip alone and take the northern route? Or, should I suck it up and take the train? I'd rather drive!
    Welcome to the Forum!

    Remember that hundreds of folks make such a drive every day of the year. Yes, you will in all liklihood encounter winter weather, but except in extreme situations, bad weather alone would not prevent you from making this trip. For more commentary about such a route, look at this thread.

  4. #4
    jeffrumburg Guest


    HAHA! im driving TO seattle from minneapolis and was wondering the same thing.... thats how i found this web site. Except.... i drive a saab 900! Therefore i win on the cool points! HAHA!

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