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  1. Default Chicago Route 66

    I am planning to drive Route 66 from its beginning point in Chicago to St. Louis or further depending on how much time it takes.

    I remember driving Route 66 From Santa Monica accross California, and it took over five hours to go the first hundred miles!

    Can anyone give me an estimate of how long it would take me to get out of Chicago city proper, and/or how long the Illinois leg of the trip might take?



  2. Default Good guess

    I've not done it, and have no idea about the Chicago question -- I'd allow a couple of hours at least for that, but I'm guessing. I tracked old US 66 on MS Streets and Trips as best I could figure it based on the towns I know it passed through, and allowing for normal driving speeds, it claims 8 hours and some minutes from Chicago to St Louis. That doesn't allow for any stops -- so if you really want to see what's along this route -- the mosey style of roadtrip -- I'd allow at least two days, or more if you add the Missouri sections as well.

    Try a search on "Illinois Route 66" and you'll come up with a wealth of information, as well as what we already have for you here on RTA. Bob

  3. #3

    Default Illinois -- Route 66

    If I remember correctly I left Chicago early in the morning and I was near Chicagoland Speedway (in Joliet) before lunch. Traffic seemed very light, but it really depends on your driving pace. You could spend a lot of time exploring 66 in and around Chicago, or much less time (like me) just driving the route. I made it into St. Louis before nightfall, and had some Ted Drewes' frozen custard that evening!

    The Illinois sections of Route 66 are some of the best, with lots of classic roadside stops; very well-signed and easy to follow. There's lots of information out there about traveling The Mother Road so I won't write another book on the topic here. ;)

    Just post up any other questions you might have.
    Last edited by Mark Sedenquist; 11-17-2005 at 07:33 PM. Reason: Added a format break

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default As long as you have

    Quote Originally Posted by SusanT
    Can anyone give me an estimate of how long it would take me to get out of Chicago city proper, and/or how long the Illinois leg of the trip might take?

    I learned a long time ago that time on road trips is elastic -- it will take as long as you have to give it. But for a slightly more practical tool -- look at the trip log that Guy Randall prepared by clicking here and working backwards.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default About an Hour

    From downtown Chicago to Cicero/Berwyn, perhaps an hour if you're just driving and not doing much looking. You might encounter heavy traffic.

    Personally, I don't consider myself on Rt 66 until I get to just north of Joliet. The rest has been pretty much obliterated by sprawl.

    Definitely check out Lou Mitchell's, Union Station, and the Art Institute before leaving downtown. You'll also see the famous L Trains and Berghoff's.

    Also, Del Rhea's Chicken Basket and White Fence Farm are worth stops.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Good Info

    Quote Originally Posted by RoadDog
    Definitely check out Lou Mitchell's, Union Station, and the Art Institute before leaving downtown. You'll also see the famous L Trains and Berghoff's.

    Also, Del Rhea's Chicken Basket and White Fence Farm are worth stops.
    Welcome to the Forum! Thanks for the local intel. Even though the topography has changed, it is still relatively easy to pick out those hey-day-Route-66 businesses that still exist along the way.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The Great Midwest, Illinois to be precise

    Default Great 66 Road Signage in Illinois

    I might add that I have been on 66 from Chicago as far as Tucumcari, NM, and that of that length, I found the road signs for Historic Rt 66 to be the best in Illinois once you get to Joliet. You could actually drive it without a road map. Just follow the "yellow brick" signs. Well, they're not actually yellow brick, but you'll know them when you see them. Some of the towns will actually show you different alignments as 66 existed over the years.

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