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  1. #1
    lozza Guest

    Default Las Vegas to San Francisco in winter

    We are from Australia and will be driving from Vegas to San Francisco in the middle of winter ,29th December 2005.
    What would be a senic route?I am open to your suggestions.

  2. Default Two Options!

    My two choices for winter travel would be I-15 to California SR58, then to the coast via Atascadero or San Luis Obispo. Then up SR1 to San Francisco.


    You could travel north on US95 to I-80, and use that to San Francisco. I believe that US50 also remains open in the winter as conditions permit (Reno to San Francisco).

    Either route is reasonably scenic. Bob

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Moderator Bob
    You could travel north on US95 to I-80, and use that to San Francisco. I believe that US50 also remains open in the winter as conditions permit (Reno to San Francisco).

    Either route is reasonably scenic. Bob
    Why US95 rather than 395? 395 is only closed during the worst storms and I think it is much more scenic than 95. US50, as you say, is open almost all the time and has the enormous benefit of passing Lake Tahoe.

  4. Default Absolutely!

    Don't know what I was thinking -- US395 is one of our most spectacular western highways. I do like US95 for the stark desert scenery, but US395 is in a class all its own. Good call!

  5. Default

    I'm doing the same trip at the beginning of Decemeber. What are the chances of Highway 178 between Death Valley and Lake Isabella being open at the beginning of December?

    Alternately, I'll go up US395. Where would be a good place to stop overnight about 3-4 hours drive from Death Valley?


    ColiN W

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default 178

    I know I traveled 178 through Lake Isabella in mid-November without any problems, and I think it does stay open all year except during snowstorms. The pass between L.I. and 395 is only 5 thousand feet, so I think they plow it, but I'm not 100% certain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Open Year-Round

    Quote Originally Posted by boyse7en
    I'm doing the same trip at the beginning of Decemeber. What are the chances of Highway 178 between Death Valley and Lake Isabella being open at the beginning of December?
    This route is open all year.


  8. Default

    There are some nice towns on 395. Lone Pine is nice, and there's always Bishop, CA. Both have nice motels. Bishop is bigger, and the chances of finding a room are better. I personally like Lone Pine, because it's right at Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the continental U.S.
    395 is plowed during the winter, beause it's the main truck route between Reno and L.A.

  9. Default

    To make an addendum to my last posting- The question was asked what would be about a 3-4 hour drive from Death Valley. My answer was Lone Pine or Bishop. Sorry if this confused anyone.

  10. Default

    Thanks for the help...

    So is the 395 north to tahoe, then across to SF a more scenic route than the 178 to isabella lake, then north through Giant Sequoia National / Visalia / Fresno / Merced ?

    I've got three days to make the journey, so would prefer scenery, interesting towns rather than a fast route.



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